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Thank you @paolo & @Simone! I do try to search for things first sometimes I find the answer and sometimes not. Sorry for the inconvenience it is not intentional.
Hi again just stupid me! Thank you for the example it is very helpful.
Using you Parking example if I have a checkbox on the that users would click on add a listing form – how would I do this on my spreadsheet? I can’t have a click box in a field…would it just be a “yes or no” field.
To go one step further, how would I go about dealing with something that you can pick more than one thing (multiple answer fields) – using the restaurant example want to know the different amenities the restaurant has and you have a list on the add listing page like
Pick all that apply: (below selections would have a check box)
-Full Bar
-Outdoor Dining
-Offers DeliveryWhat is the best practice for doing this in a spreadsheet? A “yes or no” field for each selection and have the above contained in a fields set? Or is there a better way?
Stacey2- So a listing with anew city can be upload got that. Does the State have to be created first?
3- I am having a little trouble here – a bit confused. When I go to the setting for the Custom Fields (for a Post Type), is this area just to create Custom Fields for the spreadsheet for uploading listings? Or is there some other use for this? Does this have anything to do with the “Add a Listing” on the front end of the site, because I am having a hard time matching things up – seems like there is more and different fields (like radio buttons) on the Add a Listing.
And on my sample spreadsheet shows image fields but the image (file upload??) field is not on the right hand side in the Custom Fields Section showing this. There are other inconsistencies between what is shown on the sample spreadsheet that I downloaded and what is on the right hand side of the Custom Fields – that is why I am having problems figuring this out.
What is a “Fields Set” and what does “You must be use a fieldset to group your fields” mean?
2- OK I can obviously do this, but what happens if a user wants to add a listing on a city that is not in the location list?
3- Where can I get information & instruction on how to create custom fields. I don’t know if I am right, but it looks like I have to go into the “Settings” of the specific category that I want to add custom fields to – but the rest seen very confusing to me. Is there any documentation on how to properly use this?
@paolo thank you excellent example…got it!
I was thinking that the best way to employ tags was to add more detail of each CPT using more specific words, phases etc. but I wasn’t sure if was the right way to do things 🙂
OK sorry about that. I am a newbie and just wanted to share 🙂
September 3, 2014 at 1:29 pm in reply to: CPT > Post Type > Post Type (Name) how important??? #14165@brian, thank you!
September 3, 2014 at 12:59 pm in reply to: CPT > Post Type > Post Type (Name) how important??? #14157Thank Guust!
What is your opinion of slug name that where you have to combine 2 words (like my example in another post) like “winter sports” which do you think would be a better slug name: winter_sports, winter-sports, or wintersports (or maybe something else)?
StaceyThis worked great! Thank you @Simone
Isn’t there a better/easy way (so that I can change the menu easily)? Why does my Custom Post Type not show up in Menu Structure even though it is in the Main Menu on the site?
The screen shot you posted…did you have to create custom urls (link) and it to /places and under it add categories?
The problem that I am having is that when I go to Appearance > Menu I do not see (for example) “Lodging” in the menu structure even though it appears in the Main Navigation bar of the site.
1.If I try to drag “Lodging” from the list on the left to the Menu structure area it will not allow me to do this.
2. If I click on “Lodging” on the left to expand it say no items (this is correct as I have not uploaded anything yet.
3. If I expand “Lodging Categories” and I click on the categories which are really want to be Sub-Menu items of “Lodging” it will add these to the Menu but only as Top Level Menu items.
Do I have something wrong in some setting somewhere?
I did it & it worked…BRILLIANT! Thank you @leandrorosa!
Please ignore the map sizing comment. I didn’t realize that I could put in a percent symbol in the field – but now I do!
@leandrorosa the code snippet – do you put that at the bottom top ??? I am a newbie so I know this is a stupid question for people with lots of experience so my apologies.
StaceyJust got the error that the file size is too big. Will try again