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  • in reply to: Conflict issue with WPMU directory #4666

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Ok, I’m on!

    One last thing, could you tell me where to find documentation for the add ons please?

    in reply to: Conflict issue with WPMU directory #4638

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Thanks Paolo, that’s great 🙂

    Just scraping my pennies together and hopefully going to go for the 4 months today! I need this on my websites so much!

    I do completely understand why you have to charge for addons, you have to make some money somewhere 🙂 We all do 🙂 After creating such a great plugin, why shouldn’t you! 🙂

    Thanks for a great plugin!

    in reply to: Conflict issue with WPMU directory #4516

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Thanks John, that would be great if @paolo could confirm 🙂

    in reply to: Conflict issue with WPMU directory #4478

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Thanks John, sorry for the delay, didn’t realise there was a page 2!

    With the 4 month subscription, am I free to use the software on as many websites as I like? I have a second directory site which I really need to get round to rebuilding too, just been putting it off because WPMU drives me mad! :/

    in reply to: Conflict issue with WPMU directory #4147

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    PS. Does a 4 month Geodirectory subscription work in the same way as wpmu in that I can use the plugins forever once they’re installed on my site, just without updates once the subscription has expired?

    in reply to: Conflict issue with WPMU directory #4145

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Oh no… If I need multilocations right now I’m stuck again 🙁

    Is there a way to turn off the map/location feature for now and have users select from a drop down list the location they want?

    I can wait for the custom post type add on by just listing the holiday accommodation section for now (I think?) I’ve set up categories with types of holiday accommodation. Eventually when I can afford the add on, I will get everything from the wpmu directory transferred over to this one in its own ‘post type’ (I think, am I working this out right?)

    So just to clarify, does the custom post type mean I will be able to pin point a specific section of the directory by its url and link to it to show just that part? My problem with wpmu (amongst many!) is that I can’t separate the holiday accommodation section from the home made dog biscuits, collars, leads etc! Take a look at and you’ll see my drop down menu is a huge jumbled mess. Click on any of the categories, and the drop down menu disappears. It’s not easy to navigate. The thing my holiday cottage owning visitors have mostly complained about when I’ve asked them why they wouldn’t pay for a listing is because there is not one clear specific section which just displays holiday accommodation. But I notice with geodirectory, when I visit it just displays everything in that section, with the search bar. Will the search bar just focus on that section too once within that page? If not, can I force it too just when on that page?

    I too found wpmu plugins overly complicated and the support just pretty pathetic really, to say you’d paid for it, I get a faster response from the wordpress forums! To top it all off, absolutely every plugin I used had ridiculous limitations which required ‘custom coding’ for the things I wanted them to do.. which conveniently they had a panel of people ready to charge for! If I knew how to code, I would have built my own plugin >:( Even now, I am waiting for help from a guy with what should be a pretty basic part of the directory plugin to work, and my latest email back to him was 2 weeks ago with no response still. Never again! How I wish I’d spent that cash on geodirectory instead grrr. Hindsight is a wonderful thing 🙁

    Anyway, I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed I can do something temporarily about the locations part? Pretty please say yes? lol 😀

    in reply to: Conflict issue with WPMU directory #4062

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Ah thank you Stiofan! Found it! Would just like to say, the support here is SO much better than WPMU!

    I will definitly look into that 4 month package as soon as finances allow!

    I’m now trying to work out some other things which I’m struggling with, like the map only letting me choose the default location for new listings, and the general layout of the /dogfriendly page, but is there some documentation somewhere I can refer to to help me to work it out, rather than hassling you guys constantly? 🙂

    If I do have a question I just can’t work out, like the ones above, is it best to start a new thread for each issue, or continue on this one?

    Apologies for my newness to geodirectory, and probably daft questions, but so far I’m loving the plugin. Just hope I can get it set up! 🙂

    in reply to: Conflict issue with WPMU directory #4058

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Sorry, it’s me, yet again!

    I changed the /location page to /dogfriendly, and also the setting in location url prefix to dogfriendly, and we now have listings working! No 404 error! Hurray!

    Still have the issue that the add listing link on geodir takes me to the add listing on wpmu dir page, so I could do with removing that option for now. Hopefully once wpmu is gone eventually this issue will disappear?

    So, if anyone could just give me a little advice on what can be done about stopping people from adding listings, and me do them manually myself, that would be great at this point. I think if I can set this up so I can just invoice them for now, we’ll be good to go!

    (I’ll need to somehow make sure enquiries go to the person who paid for the listing, rather than me too, if that would be possible?)

    Thanks for your help!


    in reply to: Conflict issue with WPMU directory #4054

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Hi again

    Just looking at the custom post advice… I’ve just realised this is a $45 addon. I assumed I could use custompress, but the post type doesn’t show up there. Is this the only way to do this?

    I’ve added new categories and tried to add new listings in the back end, which say they’ve been published, but when I try to view them, I get a 404 error.

    Am I right in thinking that I cannot ever get this plugin working alongside WPMU directory without paying for addons? If so, I’m going to have to give up now, which will be a real shame because it would have been perfect for my needs and I would have purchased add ons in the future for sure (there are several features I would like to get from the add ons eventually so I’d probably eventually have gone for a 1 year subscription). I just can’t get rid of WPMU right now, I need it for the income to pay for better! It’s a lose lose situation I’m in right now 🙁 I simply can’t afford the add ons until the site brings me some income….

    Please could you confirm this is the case, and I won’t spend any more time trying to get my head around it at this point if so sadly 🙁

    in reply to: Conflict issue with WPMU directory #4040

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Hi Paolo

    Thanks for the explanation.

    My main issue is the conflict at the moment – because the existing wpmu directory at which is for products/services other than the holiday accommodation one i’m trying to build now is the only way I have of getting any income from the site (it’s set up to receive payments). I need this to be able to receive payments for me to ever be able to afford to buy the geodirectories addon to get that one accepting payments.

    Is there a way with geodirectories to stop people from adding their own listings, and I instead create a form to collect their details, invoice them and charge them independently, then add their listings myself, as a temporary measure? Perhaps this is a way I could get everything on geodirectories for the time being? Then once I have a few people pay I can buy the addon to get it all automated?



    in reply to: Conflict issue with WPMU directory #3994

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    I don’t know John, that would be something new for me, but I’d be willing to give it a go if I could separate everything properly. I too find WPMU infuriatingly unusable and the support so slow I spent 6 months trying to get one directory working properly. It still isn’t! Do you know where I can work out how to do this with the custom post types?

    in reply to: Conflict issue with WPMU directory #3984

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Hi Stiofan

    Thanks for your reply.

    Problem is I need the general dog products and services directory to be completely separate to the dog friendly accommodation directory, that isn’t possible with WPMU and I’m guessing it’s not with Geodirectory either is it?



    in reply to: Conflict issue with WPMU directory #3981

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Also just noticed that when clicking on the dummy listings, I get a 404 error. Is this related at all?

    Thanks so much for any help 🙂

    in reply to: Layout of the page – Never used this plugin before! #3978

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Ah thanks Guust. Found it, sorry for being slow!

    in reply to: Layout of the page – Never used this plugin before! #3972

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Thanks Guust, but won’t changing my homepage to static destroy everything I currently have on the homepage? I don’t want to alter the homepage at all.. at the moment it is set to display latest posts as it’s also a doggie news site? Hence wanting a totally separate page for this directory with just a link to it on the homepage

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