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Thats fine Paolo, if I want to get the normal search, without the customize search feature in those specific page templates, do i just:
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[gd_advanced_search]' ); ?>
Without any parameters? From
Worked it out, using POEdit. Surely there is an easier way? Do my changes persist through plugin updates?
Thanks Paolo, that clears some things up I wasn’t sure of.
This reply has been marked as private.Thank you Stiofan, that makes sense now. Will talk to the designer about it. Oliver
#1 – “club” is set in search field only in the link supplied to you as an example of what happens when someone searches and the listings this generates and the map which gets shown.
#2 & #3 – So if we wanted users to be able to add events anywhere in the UK and for people to find those events on their location do we need multi-locations?
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Got it, in my functions.php:
add_action('geodir_before_single_post' , 'itson_geodir_before_single_post', 10); function itson_geodir_before_single_post(){ ?> <h2>Event Details</h2> <?php }
from your post:
On the event listing page ( inject the following:
<article itemtype="" itemscope="" class="post-76 gd_event type-gd_event status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry gd_event_tags-museum-1 gd_event_tags-star-wars gd_eventcategory-museum" id="post-76"> <h2>Event Details</h2> <div class="geodir_flex-container">
<h2>Event Details</h2>
is inserted before the flexslider
Have replaced the event title below the image, just need to work out how to add more html into the main_content
remove_action( 'geodir_details_main_content', 'geodir_action_page_title',20); add_action( 'geodir_details_main_content', 'geodir_action_page_title',35);
This did the trick with the bubble image
.geodir-bubble_image { display: none !important; }
I think the other issue has something to do with geodir_action_before_single_post.
edit: this might be it:
Sorry, don’t mean to post continiously – those template files are a bit cryptic with the do_action statements, is there no way to modify the HTML output?
Thank you for the replies:
10. Edit listing – how to upgrade isting to a different price package
Is this something that a user can do via the frontend Dashboard once they haver paid for a listing, and then want to upgrade?
11. Bookmark to phone home screen script – Sorry if this was a bit vague
Something like a link/button on the site that adds the site’s URL to the users browser Bookmarks. I know this can be done with websites on Desktops, but if it’s done on a phone, will the websites mobile specific favicon get placed on the users phones’ home screen? I don’t think it will as it’s down to the users ability to use their smartphone to do this, but I thought I’d ask.
12. can it (a website) be listed on Play/iTunes etc
My client is after the ability to list the website in Play/iTunes. I explained to him that it’s a website, not an app, but he started talking about remote and local storage and seems convinced that we’ll be able to add his website to an “app store”.
Good to know GeoDir will have it’s own dedicated app though.