Craig Bennett

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  • in reply to: GD Booster bugs #24322

    Craig Bennett
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 44

    Hi Stiofan,

    Thanks for that works great now, messed up my css a little, but nothing I can’t fix.

    I take it the fix will be permanent and included in the next release?


    in reply to: GD Booster bugs #24275

    Craig Bennett
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 44
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: GD Booster bugs #24274

    Craig Bennett
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 44


    Great to hear you’ve created GD Booster, I’ve been trying to test it out though and can’t get it to work.

    So far, I’ve installed the complete beta package in 3 different environments, local apache, local Nginx & staging Nginx and I keep getting the same issue, once GD Booster is active the files it creates can’t be found.

    I wondering if it’s an issue with my server running Nginx with FastCGI (it’s a linode VPS), but this doesn’t explain why it didn’t work on my local apache dev server.

    Here’s the link to staging site –

    Any ideas, Cheers

    in reply to: Profile & Reviews Tab Blank After Update #17155

    Craig Bennett
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 44

    Brilliant, all ok now.


    in reply to: Tag Links not correct #12603

    Craig Bennett
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 44

    Thanks, Stiofan

    in reply to: Problem with listing slug's #12551

    Craig Bennett
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 44

    Ahhh, Cheer’s Guust

    Never realised I’d added the place as a tag, i’ll change the city slug in the DB and delete the tag.

    Cheers, Craig

    in reply to: Location Manager – Please test and report. #11961

    Craig Bennett
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 44

    Hi Stiofan,

    That would be great if you could add an individual clause, to deal with Scotland and other similar places.

    Would this be some setting in the backend or some commented code we’d have to uncomment.

    Is there something I could add to my functions.php to test it out, or something I can change within location_functions.php.

    Cheers, Craig

    p.s. Nice to see that YES banner on your avatar image 🙂

    in reply to: Location Manager – Please test and report. #11840

    Craig Bennett
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 44

    Here’s another example where the address is changed:

    M&D’s Theme park in Strathclyde park, after entering the address info and clicking ‘set address on map’ the address field is changed, no longer any mention of Strathclyde park. Before and after images attached.

    This happens or something similar to approximately 70% of all listing that I’ve added to my staging site. It’s a major user experience issue.

    Cheers, Craig

    in reply to: Location Manager – Please test and report. #11837

    Craig Bennett
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 44

    Hi Stiofan,

    I’ve noticed quite a lot of issues when adding places in Scotland, some are fine others change the city i’ve entered, or the post code, street name changes for example.

    I’ve attached some before and after images for a place in East Kilbride, I’ve tried to enter on your demo site, the city changes to Glasgow and postcode is removed after clicking ‘Set Address on Map’.

    Cheers, Craig

    in reply to: Should We Use an SEO Plugin? #11435

    Craig Bennett
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 44

    I’ve tried using the code provided my Manish, but as far as I can tell the


    function is no longer used, just provides an empty array.

    I’ve changed Manish’s function to pull the location info from the post data instead, just add the following code to functions.php in your child theme.

    Don’t forget to add


    to the relevant post types in Yoast’s Settings.

    In the code below, I’ve disabled the country location, just uncomment if you want to show countries in the title tags.

    // Add location info to yoast titles
    function retrieve_var1_replacement( $var1 ) {
    	global $post;
    	if ($post->post_city) { 
    		$city = $post->post_city; 
    	if ($post->post_region) {
    		$region = $post->post_region; 
    	if ($post->post_country) {
    		$country = $post->post_country;
    	if (isset($city) && !empty($city)) {
    		$location = $city . " - ";
    	if (isset($region) && !empty($region)) {
    		$location .= $region;
    	// if (isset($country) && !empty($country)) {
    	// 	$location .= " - " . $country;
    	// }
    	return $location;
    function geodir_add_dyn_yoast_title_tags() {
    		wpseo_register_var_replacement( '%%current_location%%', 'retrieve_var1_replacement', 'advanced', 'Adds location to title tags' );
     add_action( 'wpseo_register_extra_replacements', 'geodir_add_dyn_yoast_title_tags' );
    in reply to: Images uploaded to listing, missing from media library #11418

    Craig Bennett
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 44

    Hi Paolo,

    I wouldn’t have expected you to change the plugin for my benefit. It works fine the way it is. I’m just messing about and trying a few different things.

    I’ll have a mess about myself and see if I can come up with a solution.

    Cheers, Craig

    in reply to: Images uploaded to listing, missing from media library #11393

    Craig Bennett
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 44

    I agree an option in the admin would be good, I understand that it’s probably done this way to reduce requests from the wp-database and wouldn’t be suitable for everyone.

    But , I do feel there any many benefits using the WordPress media uploaded, rather than the custom build system. Such as the ability to edit alt tags and descriptions, and the fact that WP automatically creates different image sizes, which is a great benefit for responsive design, especially with the upcoming html picture element.

    I was trying to swap out the flexslider with the Soliloquy slider, it basically just pulls all images it finds attached to a post. With the added benefits of being much more customisable, if I could get it to work!

    I’d thought about hacking the plugin, but can see many more benefits if all images were attached to the listing and visible from the media library as the were in GeoTheme.

    in reply to: Images uploaded to listing, missing from media library #11354

    Craig Bennett
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 44

    Hi Paolo,

    I’ve given that a try and can print the images, but it’s not going to achieve what I’m trying to do.

    The only way it’ll work for me is if the images can be attached to the actual post some way, so I can call all of them just using the $post->ID. It’s just the way the plugin works it requires a post id and automatically pull’s all the images.

    So my question is, is there an easy work around that would attach all the images to the post, i.e. so they will also show in the WordPress media library.

    Cheers, Craig

    in reply to: Images uploaded to listing, missing from media library #11350

    Craig Bennett
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 44

    Brilliant, I’ll give that a try and see if it works.


    in reply to: Images uploaded to listing, missing from media library #11343

    Craig Bennett
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 44

    Hi Paolo,

    I’d found the images in the backend, but that’s not the issue.

    As far as WordPress is concerned the only image attached to the post is the featured image, which I believe is the first one uploaded. I presume because you are not using the WordPress Media uploader for the images.

    My question was, is there a way to let WordPress know all the images uploaded are part of the post, so that for example if I use:
    $media = get_attached_media( ‘image’, $post->ID );

    I’d be able to pull all the attached images from the post, not just the first / featured image. Which is currently the case.

    It’s for a customisation I’m trying to make that needs to be able to access all the images attached to a particular post, using get_attached_media from the post ID.

    This worked fine in GeoTheme, as any images uploaded to the post would also be attached and show up in the WordPress Media Library.

    Hope this makes sense.

    Cheers, Craig

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