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  • in reply to: Not receiveing log in password email #47600

    We Love Travel Group
    Free User
    Post count: 186

    As I said in my original message, I had already checked spam/junk folder and nothing.
    We are receiving the BCC emails to our domain address, but just not to the customers email which is an account with Hotmail. Any other suggestions?
    I will contact our server admin and see what they say also.

    in reply to: Geo not responsive to different laptop screens #43444

    We Love Travel Group
    Free User
    Post count: 186

    Just want to say thank you GEO team for the help and info. We are now slowly working through our sites and updating everything.

    in reply to: Geo not responsive to different laptop screens #43186

    We Love Travel Group
    Free User
    Post count: 186

    its not the same problem? there is no css code hiding anything?

    in reply to: Geo not responsive to different laptop screens #43152

    We Love Travel Group
    Free User
    Post count: 186

    Ok no problem, thank you.

    What about the issue with the mobile menu icon now?

    Also on the website we are dealing with now and others running same basic setup, the mobile menu and login on top left and right of screen has disappeared/been hidden or sometimes just shows as squares. If you click on the space where it should be the menu works still though.

    Viewers cannot see where the menu is now on mobiles.

    Any ideas about this please?

    in reply to: Geo not responsive to different laptop screens #43057

    We Love Travel Group
    Free User
    Post count: 186

    Hi Paolo,

    OK thank you for the info and help again.

    Yes i thought it was the plugin so have contacted them about that issue.

    Are you guys not going to add this to th e theme as an update though? This issue is happening on other websites using same theme as mentioned previously and not just ours.

    Like to know before i go through all 14 websites of ours to add the codes…

    Also on the website we are dealing with now and others running same basic setup, the mobile menu and login on top left and right of screen has disappeared/been hidden or sometimes just shows as squares. If you click on the space where it should be the menu works still though.

    Any ideas about this please?

    Big thank you for the support again GEO team!

    in reply to: Geo not responsive to different laptop screens #42949

    We Love Travel Group
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    Post count: 186
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    in reply to: Geo not responsive to different laptop screens #42948

    We Love Travel Group
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    in reply to: Geo not responsive to different laptop screens #42946

    We Love Travel Group
    Free User
    Post count: 186

    Hi Paolo,

    ok so now the menu is resized for ipads and other devices, but now the content on the pages is still not resizing correctly.

    The test next to the small image on the below link is an example of what i mean. The text should stay inline with the image, on ipad for example it is dropping way below the image,


    i need to know what changes you make please so i can do the same, as i have 14 sites running the same setup that are all having the same issues.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Geo not responsive to different laptop screens #42825

    We Love Travel Group
    Free User
    Post count: 186

    Hi Paolo,

    Just looked and the menu is still dropping off underneath? Which in turn makes the menu useless.

    Is there no way to add code so that the mobile menu stays on for ipads and similar sized mobile devices?


    in reply to: Custom CSS box in Quick Code gone? #42637

    We Love Travel Group
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    Post count: 186

    Any luck finding the problem?

    in reply to: Geo not responsive to different laptop screens #42636

    We Love Travel Group
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    in reply to: Geo not responsive to different laptop screens #42575

    We Love Travel Group
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    Post count: 186

    Tried that code and didnt work so taken it back out. If you inspect the elements and look through the different devices you will see the exact size that the menu changes and drops off.

    Thanks Paolo

    in reply to: Geo not responsive to different laptop screens #42505

    We Love Travel Group
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    Post count: 186


    have put site to standard size of 1040 px and now it is responding to different size screens. But FYI changing to any other size seems to mess up all the content.

    Still require the responsive menu issue to be rectified though.

    Thank You

    in reply to: Geo not responsive to different laptop screens #42504

    We Love Travel Group
    Free User
    Post count: 186

    having looked at your website it all works as normal by making the boarders larger or smaller yet keeping the content inside the same size. Have also looked at some other geo sites using same theme and they also work correctly. On our sites this is not working the same. The content area is not staying the same size and is stretching or getting compressed.

    Please let me know what is causing this.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Geo not responsive to different laptop screens #42503

    We Love Travel Group
    Free User
    Post count: 186

    We have set the width to standard now 1040 px. The issue is not with the margins, it is not a problem for them to be changing sizes and we know this is normal, the problem is that the written content within the site is getting moved around and messed up on different size screens. It is really bad on normal pages.

    For example, if we align text within a page to sit next to a picture on a larger screen, when that is viewed on a smaller screen it moves text out of alignment. Same other the other way round. That is not normal and this is part of the theme so is there anything you can do about this?

    Also regarding the mobile responsive issue, most people use mobile devices now. on small devices such as phones the mobile menu works as it should. On an ipad for example if you hold it upright the mobile menus works as normal, but turn it on its side and the mobile menu changes to normal website menu. This menu is then moved along to right side and drops off under neither, making it looks bad and useless.

    Surly this is also a GEO issue as the settings are not right for mobile devices. We are happy to add any changes if you tell us what and where to add them.

    Thank you.

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