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  • in reply to: Paysera Payment Gateway #114102

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    in reply to: How to handle VAT #111481

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    in reply to: Recaptcha Size #110992

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    Hi Guust,
    Thanks a bunch!
    Great to just resize the sign up box.

    Then in my Place Settings I used 3 radio buttons, set up exactly the same, the first button option displays the value, button 2 and 3 display the number of the selection option and not the value. (see screenshots). Weird or not? Any ideas here?


    in reply to: How to handle VAT #106456

    Post count: 30

    Hi Paolo,

    We managed to create the VAT to work for our home country customer, VAT is listed and paid for (yeah! see Checkout Scrn). For other customers the added note on the Reverse Charge Mechanism will have to do for now. We would appreciate a proper VAT module though (that also lists VAT numbers on invoices). Also the paysera paygate is created and working, things are coming together.

    However, now Paypal returns: The link you have used to enter the PayPal system contains an incorrectly formatted item amount.

    Paypal used to work just fine. So can it be that PP does not expect the input of a corrected amount? And that therefore we get this error?

    What do you think? Pls help us out with finding this solution. Any tips welcome.

    Thanks, Rudolf

    in reply to: How to handle VAT #68927

    Post count: 30


    I’m in a need of this functionality as well.
    I want to have VAT only for one country, detected by geo location.

    Is it possible to make this with WP hooks, without changing the GD core, or this is something we’ll have to wait till you change it in future release of GD?

    Can you please tell approximately when you expect taxation system to be released?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Help for integrating a payment gateway #65652

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    in reply to: VAT Tax rate show on Package Price #64820

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    When can the updated Payment Manager/Tax manager for VAT be expected? Requirements: show on invoice VAT numbers (seller+customer) and VAT rate (0% or home country %).

    It would be even cooler if the VAT entry is automatically verified on eg. VatCheck.eu to avoid wrongful entries.


    in reply to: Invoice Number/ID #64817

    Post count: 30

    Hi Paolo,

    After testing phase, where/how to reset the invoice numbering back to zero?


    in reply to: Invoice Number/ID #63528

    Post count: 30

    Grazie Paolo,

    Thanks for looking into this, but I actually asked this as a presale question and then it was possible (Can GD create invoices with invoice numbering format 0000000001 +1 for each new invoice? – Yes). I thought I only needed to figure out where to modify the format.

    Fortunately I found a way to work around this, because I was also afraid the invoice lay out would be affected by this large number format, so new settings for GD are not necessary anymore.

    However, I am testing now, so the invoice ID is counting up for test invoices. I will need to reset the invoice numbering to 1 again when I launch the project. Where/how to do this?


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