Jeff Morse

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  • in reply to: No Record Found result #295477

    Jeff Morse
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40
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    in reply to: Need to add dummy data again #295426

    Jeff Morse
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40

    Re Dummy Data, if I delete and reinstall, and I have the multi location add on installed, wouldn’t the dummy data addresses prevail? (Philadelphia, Chicago etc?

    in reply to: Need to add dummy data again #295381

    Jeff Morse
    Expired Member
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    in reply to: Need to add dummy data again #295374

    Jeff Morse
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    in reply to: Add listing page overrides location on new clients #294371

    Jeff Morse
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40

    4. I think it might be a good idea for GD to not make REGIONS a required field. I am doing a lot of work with Philippines and other countries in that area, and I see from other support requests, that others are having problems with that field even allowing you to input correct label.

    5…. *My concern is how to instruct users who want to place an ad listing with us (in one of these areas), …that they won’t know what do do when the system overrides their input.

    How can I input instructions to tell them not to set place on the map? or what other suggestions do you have?

    6. If the ad listing is set to DRAFT, isn’t there an email to ADMIN that a new ad listing has been placed? If so where do I check mark that so that I get an email?

    in reply to: Cities / Regions issue with Singapore #294340

    Jeff Morse
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40

    I am having the same problem with the Philippines.

    in reply to: Add listing page overrides location on new clients #294339

    Jeff Morse
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40

    Thank you. 1 more from above not answered: –

    Special Offer is the last field on Add a listing on Core Places Add a listing.(Free)
    I noticed when I added a pricing level- now gives the choice of 1 or the other, ok-
    but the … Special offer field …….. has dropped off the add listing template (see previous attachments has a screen shot).
    How do I get Special Offer field back onto a (non free) paid pricing Add listing page? Is this a glitch?

    in reply to: Add listing page overrides location on new clients #293711

    Jeff Morse
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40

    2nd issue. Add Listing page.We are still in testing mode, building our pages on
    In Add Listing (Places) – this has to do with how this function inter-relates with Pricing and Payment.
    The Core GD plugin comes with an add listing page.
    1) I would like to add a required field to get owners name & their contact person’s name who is responsible for advertising…? how can I add fields to add listing?

    2) Core GD Add listing page has several prompts for the advertiser- 2nd to last is a field for “Special Offers.” However, when I added a Pricing – that field disappears from the core fields that the client must fill in.
    2b) this new add listing page now has Link Place- but cannot find any documentation on what GD expects me to fill in? So what does this field want for a response? and how can I delete this if I don’t like the idea.

    3) the order of the add listing page seems to be an unusual order… Address, Country, Region, City, Zip Code. How can I re-arrange this to Address, City, Region, Country, Zip code?

    Currently what I am experiencing is that Region is anyone’s guess what you put in there. Actually would rather not make that a “required field*” -what is interesting is in some of the foreign countries, City and Region are flipped… so if I add Region Mabini or Batangas and City of Aniloa. if makes Mabini the City and disregards the city altogether.
    Samples are attached of each page’s add listing input page. Please tell me where and how to make the corrections to
    -remove Link Place-or explain what that means? What response is it looking for?
    -can we change the order of address, city state (region) COuntry?
    -How do I get Special Offer field back onto paid pricing Add listing page

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