Michael Sena
Forum Replies Created
Hey Giri,
I placed the remove_action code in supreme-directory/inc/geodirectory-compatibility.php, right above the add_action code you provided. The add_action code worked fine. I attached my file, you’ll find the code from LI 32 to LI 39.
Originally I tried adding both codes using my Code Snippets plugin, but nothing happened…so I deleted that snippet and added the codes directly in supreme-directory/inc/geodirectory-compatibility.php.
I also tried adding the remove_action code to supreme-directory/functions.php. No change
Thanks for helping me with this!
MikeThis reply has been marked as private.Hey Guust
Thanks for the .sd-contacts css revision, that works perfectly. I can get the link text hidden with:
.cat-link {
display: none;
}So I’m good there. On the Category icon mouseover (hover), I’d like the image title or alt text to be shown. As it is now…the category URL is shown.
This reply has been marked as private.Thanks for taking care of that Stiofan!
This reply has been marked as private.Fantastic…Thanks Guust and Giri! Those answers solved my issues. Wish I new Geodirectory as well as you guys do…maybe someday 🙂
Thanks again for your help!
Hi Giri,
Thats too bad… I was hoping that tags would not be location driven. Is there any way to change the code for tags so they are not based on the current location?
I also wanted to ask… is the Tag area truncated? The last tag in this screenshot should be: US Highway 6 RV Park
Thank you Giri for making the time to apply that patch and create a CSS statement for it. That addition is going to make a big difference for our visitors!
I have a question about the results I’m getting though. As an example, if I’m looking at the detail page for the Durango KOA in Durango Colorado (http://rvtravelguidebook.com/rv-parks/colorado/durango/durango-koa/) and I click on the tag “RV Park Colorado”, the results only show the RV Parks in Durango Colorado, not all the RV Parks in Colorado. We have 64 listings that use the tag “RV Park Colorado” Shouldn’t the results be showing all 64?
If you have an opportunity please take a look. Feel free to use the admin login I provided since it looks like we’ll be in maintenance mode for another 2 weeks or so.
This reply has been marked as private.Hello Giri,
That is good news! I thought it was odd that Tags were not viewable anywhere in the detail page. Thank you for continuing to follow through on this. Having the option to have them in the Sidebar or at the top will be great. I would prefer to have them in the top section. I tried to apply your patch in the Supreme function.php file, that didn’t work. I also tried to apply it using the Code Snippets plugin, that didn’t work either. Obviously I’m not a King Coder like you guys are…guess I’ll have to wait for the update :-/
Thanks again for resolving this!
MikeThis reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Hi Kor,
No need to go any further with this, the GeoDirectory 1.6.9 and other GD plugin and theme updates came through this morning. The updates solved both of the issues I mentioned.
Hey Guust… Ok I see whats happening, the incorrect layout only appears in the Preview mode. I can learn to ignore that 🙂
Thanks for the assistance!