22 listings disappeared completely

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    I just discovered…and I have no idea when or why this happened…that 22 of my listings just disappeared. Images and all. It’s like they were all deleted. Many from one category, but not all from the same category.

    It took some digging to figure out exactly which ones were missing…only found out because I noticed one was missing and then that led to noticing another…and that made me double check current listings against last year’s export of listings. 22 in all are just GONE.

    I’m in the process of re-importing them back onto my site but I would like to know how something like this could just happen? I am very on top of updating WordPress and all it’s plugins and have Wordfence and have no indication of a hack.

    I’m completely open to the idea that I did something. User error is always a possibility. Or maybe a glitch somewhere…but I would just like to know what the heck happened!


    Post count: 16516

    Hi tinamama,

    Thanks for your post. Listings will not disappear out of the sudden. Are the listings somehow expired? Or do you have multiple administrative users on your Website? If you would like us to check, could you share your Website WP admin access here in private reply?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Do you hide the delete link with GD Author Actions?

    [gd_author_actions hide_delete="1"]

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    No one on the site except me and if there are any people that decide to claim or pay for their listing. (not many yet)

    I didn’t know we could hide the delete link…I’ll check that out. But that’s not relevant here, since I would be the only one that could have deleted these.

    I have added them all back now, but am still perplexed as to how they disappeared in the first place. And so many.

    I just noticed that deleting a location can delete the listing…but I am pretty sure that I would have noticed that note that pops up warning me of this…but that’s a possibility, I suppose…since all of these had originally been set as a county and I decided to get rid of county option and go with just city. I really should take notes on all the stuff I do since things will happen months apart and I have the world’s worst memory and cannot remember what I did!!

    I won’t be surprised if it’s user error…I just would like to figure out what I may have done so I don’t repeat it.

    I also noticed that now that I’ve re-added the listings that it’s taken some doing to get the listings to show in the categories again. I’m having to go into the listings and out again to get the categories to register those listings again, even though they are clearly listing the categories. That’s tedious. Also, all the images are showing on the frontend of the listings, uploaded properly through the import…but on the backend they have yet to show in the admin list of listings. Not a huge deal really but just kinda annoying. I’m thinking I need to do something like I did with the categories to get the system to “see” that things have been uploaded in this import way instead of via the backend? *shrug*

    Anyway…back to the deleted listings…they are replaced now so I’m not sure what you’d be looking for if you poked around in my site…would it show anything at this point?


    Post count: 16516

    Hi tinamama,

    Thanks for your reply. We won’t be able to recover deleted listings but we will try to find out if you’ve misconfigured anything on your Website backend. So, could you please share your Website WP admin access here so that we could check on it?

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