24-hour clock on Events please

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Roger 10 years, 9 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 137

    Hi is there a way to set the eventtimer to a 24-hour clock timer, instead of am/pm timing. Otherwise it would be senseless for me 🙁

    How can I set the calender to another language, days and months.




    Post count: 29970

    Just a note: It looks like changing WP admin > settings > general > time will change the time of an event to 24h format when displayed to visitors, but when adding an event it still uses a AM-PM format.


    Full Member
    Post count: 1128


    Sure, right now there is a hook in the code to modify that time slots array.
    e. g.
    apply_filters( ‘geodir_event_schedule_times’ , $event_time_array);
    You can hook ur function to modify time slot array.
    To make it easy i will provide an option in backend to choose time format.
    Either Am/PM or 24 hrs format in near future.

    Thanks for ur all inquires.


    Free User
    Post count: 137

    Where do I have to include this code, into the script section?




    Full Member
    Post count: 1128

    Rog, i think, u got me wrong.
    geodir_event_schedule_times is a hook and it passed time slot array to the function u hook into for example
    u can write something like this in ur theme’s functions.php file

    add_filter(‘geodir_event_schedule_times’ , ‘geodir_modified_time_slots’);
    function geodir_modified_time_slots($time_slot_array)
    // write a code to modify the $time_slot_array
    //and return it back
    return $time_slot_array;

    Please advise?


    Free User
    Post count: 137

    Hi Vikas thanks,

    but I better wait for the option.



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