404 error for country links

This topic contains 19 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  clem 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #357574

    Post count: 87

    Hi Kiran,

    I have seen You fixed the problem for the English country slugs, and worked well so far

    But because it wasn’t translated in French I have tried to update the country translations in multi location (I know the countries are already translated in my po. mo. files)

    But the result wasn’t what I expected ! The countries haven’t been translated and the -1 came back for all the English country slugs 😔

    I’m so sorry for that …

    Do you have an idea why it happened ?

    How can I fixe the English country slugs ?

    How can I have my French country names and slugs translated ?




    Post count: 7069

    Hi Clem,

    Country slug can not be different for both language. If you translate country slug in French language the n that slug will be changed for all language.
    For ex: if “india” translated to “inde” then “inde” will be used in urls for all languages.

    Do you have an idea why it happened ?
    If slug already used via post slug or term slug then it adds -1 to country slug. See https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/faqs/why-do-my-locations-get-a-1-at-the-end/

    How can I fixe the English country slugs ?
    < It can be updated manually from database, please check i have updated.

    How can I have my French country names and slugs translated ?
    1) Go to your admin edit profile page -> Select language France
    2) Go Multilocations -> Translate Countries (must be in France Language) -> Select countries to translate -> Save



    Post count: 87

    Ok got it ! And thanks for updated again ! 🙂

    So if I’m not wrong, “Translate Countries” in “Multi Location” are not useful if I keep English as primary language ?

    Just a thought : For the SEO, If a French person asks google for “Kitesurfing Espagne”

    Isn’t it a bad point to have “spain” in the slug instead of “espagne” ?

    Last point :

    I have translated my page “Africa” (the page where I have all my African country links) with WPML string translation

    In my English page, all my country links look like that :


    To have it working in the French pages I translated it like that :

    Mysite.com/fr/places/spain (If I go to that page I have the result expected)

    But then, when I visit my French page, and tick my country link, I’m redirected on the English result and the link looks like that :


    To avoid this problem I can translate my continent pages independently, but I truely prefer keeping all my pages as English page duplicates and translate everything with WPML string translation. Less confusing and faster !

    Thanks again for your Help …


    Post count: 7069


    So if I’m not wrong, “Translate Countries” in “Multi Location” are not useful if I keep English as primary language?

    No, you can still translate country slugs with keeping non English as a primary language. For example someone has website in French so obviously he will prefer country slug in urls in French language. Suppose he has translated “spain” to “espagne” then all urls with country will be “/espagne/” for all languages.

    Just a thought : For the SEO, If a French person asks google for “Kitesurfing Espagne”
    Isn’t it a bad point to have “spain” in the slug instead of “espagne”?

    As the country slug in url remain same for all languages, the country slug translation is useful when someone wants there urls with translated country slugs. Currently it is hard to use different country slugs for each language. In future we will make to use different country slugs for different languages once we find easy way to implement.

    Last point :
    I have translated my page “Africa” (the page where I have all my African country links) with WPML string translation
    In my English page, all my country links look like that :


    To have it working in the French pages I translated it like that :

    Mysite.com/fr/places/spain (If I go to that page I have the result expected)

    But then, when I visit my French page, and tick my country link, I’m redirected on the English result and the link looks like that :


    To avoid this problem I can translate my continent pages independently, but I truly prefer keeping all my pages as English page duplicates and translate everything with WPML string translation. Less confusing and faster!

    Yes, in your page content, if you have included links which are related to different language pages then prefer to independent page translation. Because instead of duplicating and translating it is easy to use translated content directly there for the independently translated page.



    Post count: 87

    Hi Kiran

    Ok I have translated my continent pages independently and everything works perfectly now 🙂

    I hope you are going to find an easy way to translate country slug soon, that’s an important point for all users using Geodirectroy for Multilingual websites …

    I’m confident, I know the Geodirectory team is working very hard to provide us the best directory plugin 👍

    Thank you very much for your help !


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