Because you didn’t do what Stiofan told you to do…
What you need to add around line 598 is:
$post_details = geodir_get_post_info($entry['ID']);
This will display (print) in that page the array with ALL information for each post.
You will notice that the address is under [post_address].
So if you comment out the print and add
to a
var it will display the address below the excerpt.
//title and excerpt
if($this->atts['caption_elements'] != 'none' || !empty($text_add))
$items .= "<figcaption class='av-inner-masonry-content site-background'><div class='av-inner-masonry-content-pos'><div class='avia-arrow'></div>".$text_before;
if(strpos($this->atts['caption_elements'], 'title') !== false){
$markup = avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'entry_title','echo'=>false, 'id'=>$entry['ID'], 'custom_markup'=>$this->atts['custom_markup']));
$items .= "<h3 class='av-masonry-entry-title entry-title' {$markup}>{$the_title}</h3>";
if(strpos($this->atts['caption_elements'], 'excerpt') !== false && !empty($content)){
$markup = avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'entry_content','echo'=>false, 'id'=>$entry['ID'], 'custom_markup'=>$this->atts['custom_markup']));
$items .= "<div class='av-masonry-entry-content entry-content' {$markup}>{$content}</div>";
$items .= $text_after."</div></figcaption>";
$items .= "</figure>";
$items .= "</{$html_tags[1]}><!--end av-masonry entry-->";
$post_details = geodir_get_post_info($entry['ID']);
$items .= $post_details->post_address;
Follow above example and continue.