Add listing 403 error

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    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 70


    I’m getting a 403 error when I follow a link to my Add Listing page: “/add-listing/”.

    I had this problem before but can’t remember how I solved it. Is there some setting I need to enable to allow users to add listings and make the page available?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    403 responses are the result of the web server being configured to deny access, for some reason, to the requested resource by the client.

    It doesn’t have anything to do with the application. Please submit a ticket to your hosting provider.

    Let us know how you went,



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 70

    Looking at this further is seems to be a redirect that isn’t working.

    If I visit

    I get redirected to

    It’s this query string that returns the 403. I’ve tried removing the “/” preceding the query string but that also returns a 403.

    But if I go to directly I get the login and registration forms and I can login.

    Once logged in if I visit again I get successfully redirected to the add listing form. I get redirected to and can register a listing with no problems.

    Also I’m getting this error in my log files when I try to navigate to the add listing page and getting the 403:

    [09-Nov-2015 22:32:11 UTC] PHP Warning: Missing argument 4 for geodir_cpt_post_type_link() in /home3/charliev/public_html/ on line 1141

    I’ll log a ticket with my host as I’ve followed their tutorial on the issue but not found a solution:


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 70

    I’ve tracked down what is causing the problem by uninstalling all the non GeoDirectory plugins at a blog and network level.

    I’m using a multisite install (version 4.3.1–en_GB).

    It looks like the plugin WordPress MU Domain Mapping (version that I use to map my domains to individual blogs is conflicting with GeoDirectory. When I turn this off on a network level after clicking on a link to the add listing page (when not logged in) I get redirected to the login / register forms correctly.

    This is a problem. I might have to find an alternative plugin to map my domains.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    just a quick question, is GeoDirectory or any of the add-on network activated?

    In case the answer is yes, please try network deactivate them and activate them for each individual website where they are needed.



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 70

    I’m not sure I entirely understand the question.

    I did have the GeoDirectory plugins installed on the parent site for my multisite network (I think you have to do this before the auto updates will work?).

    But I uninstalled GeoDirectory and all its addons from everything but the blog I need them on. This didn’t make any difference to the 403 errors.

    I since have installed all the updates you released on Nov 10th but this also hasn’t made any difference.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    No that is correct way of installing them, I guess the problem is as you said with the domain mapping plugins.

    If you provide a URL, wp-admin and ftp credentials, we can try and debug it for you…

    Let us know,



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 70

    Ok so I got this to work but only after trying a number of things and I’m not sure which was the change that made the difference.

    1. I followed the WordPress MU Domain Mapping installation instructions again and reviewed my settings to check I was using the latest code:
    2. I checked I was using the latest version of PHP with my hosts control panel. It was already 5.5 but I changed this to PHP curl.

    This didn’t seem to help as I was still getting an error for /add-listing/

    I also tried a few different .htaccess files, but at this point I realised the /add-listing/ page and my detail pages were all returning 404 errors (but not the homepage).

    So I reverted to my original .htaccess then uninstalled all my plugins and reactivated the GeoDirectory ones (bulk activation).

    This time the /add-listing/ page worked but all my listings returned 404.

    The data was obviously still there and the homepage and maps were filled with listings. So I tried to get the detail pages to work by republishing them and changing slugs etc. This didn’t work.

    So I again uninstalled my plugins but reactivated the core GeoDirectory plugin to check that worked before activating the rest.

    This did work with both /add-listing/ and detail pages are working correctly with all the GeoDirectory plugins activated.

    So maybe this is a case of the plugins needing to be activated in a certain order to ensure all of the pages and permalinks are applied correctly?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    I normally activate the core plugin 1st and set th default location (this is mandatory), than I install all add-ons all together and start the configuration of their settings.

    I never had to install add-ons one by one.

    I’m really not sure what the problem could have been here, but I’m glad it is resolved.

    If you see any other issues popping up, let us know and we will follow up right away.



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 70

    So the fix I found previously didn’t work for long then the Add Listing page broke again and started to 403 without me having changed anything. And nothing I have tried since has made it work again.

    Just to recap. When I’m logged out and navigate to the ‘Add Listing’ page I don’t get redirected to the login page with the sign in and register forms, but get a 403 error instead. When logged in I get the correct Add Listing form.

    This obviously isn’t much good now that I want to start emailing people to claim listings and register accounts.

    So this site I’m having trouble with is a node on a Multisite network. And I tried setting up GeoDirectory on the parent node to see if I could recreate the issue. But that one works fine. I get redirected to the login / registration page when I navigate to the Add Listing page without any problem. So I’m guessing this isn’t a problem with my .htaccess file or installation and might be to do with odd settings on this specific blog.

    Also I have another WordPress Multisite installation on another server set up and I haven’t had any problem with that (which is also a node not the parent). I just can’t figure out what is the difference that is causing the problem.

    I’ve tried changing permalinks and turning plugins on and off. At the moment I’ve only got the core GeoDirectory plugin active on the blog and I still have the problem. I’ve got some network activated plugins active. But deactivating those also doesn’t work.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    please provide link and network admin credentials and we will have a look.



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 70
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    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 70

    Any advice on this issue?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    I’m really sorry for the dealy, I missed your reply back then.

    This looks like a server (security) restriction?

    The login page works fine:

    Only if we add a redirect variable the server refuses to serve it:

    There isn’t really much we can do. You should ask for support to your hosting provider.

    Thanks and sorry again for keeping you waiting so long for a reply… 🙂


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 70


    Just thought I’d let you know how I got on with this.

    Over the holidays I had time to try and resolve this by creating a new node on my Multisite network and rebuilding the affected blog. This new node worked correctly until I mapped my domain to this new node. The same problems were then transferred to the new blog (and the old blog started to work).

    I had raised a ticket previously with my host Hostgator over security restrictions on the server. But I don’t think they ever got back to me.

    So I opening a live chat session and eventually managed to get through to the operator. After explaining the issue he tried the “Hostgator support doesn’t support WordPress Multisite” get out clause. I asked if he supported security restriction on the server and he agreed to take a look.

    He seemed quite pleasantly surprised that when he checked it was in act due to a security restriction on the server and he added and exception to the rules and said it shouldn’t happen again for this domain.

    I’m going to open another ticket though as I’ve just discovered the GeoDirectory login form won’t let anyone login, This may be a related issue.

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