Add listing map problem

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 79

    I’m afraid the problem is still there. The are two Spains.
    A user just added a listing and it’s not possible to set the address in the map. Not moving it, not atomatically. It keeps showing the error message. The listing is called “Espirulina” if you want to take a look

    Another example: if you serch by city in the web and type Madrid for example, it shows two cities (municipios) in two different States (Madrid and Comunidad de Madrid) which are actually the same.
    Please, I need this to be solved. I thought users were not havong problems, but they are…

    Thank you very much.


    Post count: 7069


    I can’t see two countries there and also able to move cursor within map without the error message.

    Can you please provide screenshots or video capture that explains problem faced you?



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    Expired Member
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    Note: if you don’t find any listings in Comunidad de Madrid, is because I put them all as Madrid, but there are 37 in 2nd Spain

    I also merged the two cities Vic

    But please this not solve the problem.


    Expired Member
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    Post count: 7069


    Please check now, i can’t recreate problem of two countries in backend listing page.

    FYI: Google geocode api returns “Catalunya” as a region/state when searched for “Rambla de l’Hospital, 8”. Catalunya is not in your list of selected regions, so it popup to selected address within selected regions.

    Let us know.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 79

    Ok, that’s right.
    The problem is Google Api when adding listings in new cities.
    Google is wrong returning Catalunya. Catalunya is a state wich has 4 regions. But we never use the State in addresses, we use regions. So it should return Barcelona. The same happens with many other states too.

    I guess there’s not much to do about that. So I’ll think about what to do with adresses to avoid error popups.

    About the two Spains, there was some translating problem with the last listings csv upload. But I fixed it yesterday.

    Thank you very much for your help.
    Maybe I contact Google to make them change their regions for Spain 😉


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Belen,

    Maybe I contact Google to make them change their regions for Spain 😉

    I don’t think any of our members ever tried, but you should. It would be in their interest too to improve their API.

    Let us know if they ever reply.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 79

    Sure I will.
    Thank you!

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