Add listing page – changed

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #376285

    m forbes
    Expired Member
    Post count: 338


    I am not sure, but wondering if the recent update affected the snippet I have in functions that places all cpt’s on one “add listing” page. It has been working well for a few years, until I just looked today! I have not added any recent cpt’s. Only change has been the recent GD update(s).

    It is suppose to have Events show on it’s own add page (and still does), but events cpt now shows in the array on “add listings” page (radio button options), and one of the cpt’s that was there (health), is no longer.

    Here is the snippet:

    /** Add Listing w all CPTs minus events */
    add_action(‘geodir_before_detail_fields’, ‘geodir_add_listing_before_detail_fields’, 0);

    function geodir_add_listing_before_detail_fields(){

    global $post;

    $current_posttype = geodir_get_current_posttype();

    $geodir_allow_posttype = get_option(‘geodir_allow_posttype_frontend’);

    $post_types = geodir_get_posttypes(‘object’);

    $addlisting_links = ”;

    if ($current_posttype!=”gd_events”) {

    //test if the key is in the array
    // if (in_array(“gd_event”, $geodir_allow_posttype)) {
    // echo “trovato evento”;
    //$filtraevento = array( 1 );
    // }

    //remove the position 1 (gd events from the new array)
    $filtraevento = array( 6 );

    $filtrato = array_diff_key( $geodir_allow_posttype, array_flip( $filtraevento ) );

    foreach($post_types as $key => $postobj){
    if(is_array($filtrato) && in_array($key, $filtrato) && count($filtrato) > 1){

    $name = $postobj->labels->singular_name;
    $checked = ”;
    if($current_posttype == $key)
    $checked = ‘checked=”checked”‘;

    $add_link = geodir_get_addlisting_link( $key );
    $addlisting_links .= ‘<div style=”display:block;line-height:30px; margin-right:14px; float:left;”>’;
    $addlisting_links .= ‘<input type=”radio” ‘.$checked.’ value=”‘.$add_link.'” title=”‘.ucfirst($name).'” name=”geodir_select_add_listing[]” onchange=”javascript:window.location=this.value;” >’.ucfirst($name);
    $addlisting_links .= ‘</div>’;



    if($addlisting_links != ”) {
    if($current_posttype != “gd_event”) {
    <h5><?php _e(‘Select Listing Type’, GEODIRECTORY_TEXTDOMAIN); ?></h5>

    <div class=”geodir_form_row clearfix”>
    <div id=”geodir_showposttypes” class=”geodir_showposttypes”>
    <?php echo $addlisting_links;?>
    </div> <?php



    First post on subject:

    An issue a few years later (2015, yikes!):

    In the latter it was explained about the cpt array, how do I find what the array/order is?

    Thank you, I know this is customization, but it’s a pretty cool one!


    m forbes
    Expired Member
    Post count: 338

    Oh, I figured it out!! This is resolved! Yahoo!


    Post count: 29970

    Yippee too 🙂 !

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