Add Listing Process

This topic contains 24 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Joy 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #398698

    Post count: 1076

    Oh, yes I understand that there is no limit to accounts. But lumping the add listing and claim business together in the same process doesn’t allow users, to decide which account should be a business owner account and which they want to use as their private account(if they want separate accounts). Because on the “Add Listing” form, that place that asks if they are the business owner or an associate doesn’t explain what that option will result in.

    I suppose adding some text to explain that selecting that you are a business owner or associate in the add listing process would then result in an automatic claim to the business that you are submitting could help. I also saw that users can add text to the form.

    Thanks for talking this out with me. Sometimes that helps me process my ideas clearer.


    Post count: 1076

    Before I forget. Can you guys please check on the temporary listing that should be visible after a listing is submitted? I mentioned this earlier but it might have gotten lost in the discussion.

    At the listing success page, the link to view the submitted information leads to an error page.

    Thank you.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    in its most basic form the link to a post should be something like but your site is redirecting to a broken link.

    If you provide FTP info i will take a look.




    Post count: 1076
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    I am havnig problems loggin into your backend:

    403 Forbidden



    Post count: 1076

    Sorry, it’s intermittent while my certificate for Cloudflare CDN is processing. You can try to refresh a few times, it usually comes back online.

    Thank you.


    Post count: 1076

    Hi @stiofan, I’m back online. I think this part is the last piece of my puzzle! Then I’m ready to launch. Whoo hoo!


    Post count: 1076

    How again, just reminding you about this. 🙂


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Fixed, this was a bug, i have fixed it on your site and the fix will be in the next release.




    Post count: 1076

    Great news. Thank you.

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