Adding an intro to the Add Listing page

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    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    For a recent project I found it necessary to add some text on the “Add Listing” page. I thought i would share in case anyone else is interested.

    The basic concept is to just add something to a hook before the form fields. In it’s simplest form it would go something like:

    // Add help context text on the add-listing page
    add_action( 'geodir_before_main_form_fields', 'my_add_listing_intro' );
    function my_add_listing_intro() {
    	echo '<div class="my-add-listing-intro"><p>Some text</p></div>';

    I took this a stage further by adding a different message depending on the CPT being used:

    // Add help context text on the add-listing page
    add_action( 'geodir_before_main_form_fields', 'my_add_listing_intro' );
    function my_add_listing_intro() {
    	$listing_type = $_REQUEST['listing_type'];
    	if ( $listing_type == 'gd_church' ) {
    		$intro_text = 'the name of your Church';
    	elseif ( $listing_type == 'gd_school' ) {
    		$intro_text = 'the official name of your School';
    	elseif ( $listing_type == 'gd_shop' ) {
    		$intro_text = 'your business name';
    	echo '<div class="my-add-listing-intro"><p>The <em>Listing Title</em> field should be ' . $intro_text .'</p></div>';

    Hopefully somebody might find this useful.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Thanks John, code recipes are always welcome! 🙂

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