Adding (and editing listing features)

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 5 years ago.

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    Alex Perry
    Expired Member

    Hello – I have a theme uploaded and I am working on getting GD setup on the site. I am running into issues. I feel like I keep editing what I want to be a part of the listing when someone adds their company, for example their logo, but its not there when I go to the page. See attached,

    Also, when I finally get this setup and have the listings on the home page and its own page with search guidelines, will the logo show up with their profile in the search? I am also getting a 404 error when I go to the profile.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    if the details page is not showing, try resaving permalinks:

    If you want to show the logo in the GD Archive item (on listing pages) edit the original GD Post Images Shortcode like so:

    [gd_post_images type='image' ajax_load='true' link_to='post' show_logo='true']
    [gd_post_images type="image" ajax_load="1" slideshow="1" show_title="1" animation="slide" controlnav="1" link_to="post" types="logo"]

    To show the logo on the Details page, try adding a GD Post Images widget to the sidebar and set the logo in the image types field.

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