Adding Franchisee listings

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    [email protected]
    Expired Member
    Post count: 47

    Hi There.
    Sorry these are basic questions but I can’t understand the franchise add on documentation and can’t find any examples.

    I’ve been trying to find a way to charge a user a “membership fee” and then provide free listings. I think the Franchise manager gives me a way to do this. My thought is to have the user add 1 paid for listing using a franchise package that creates a recurring subscription, then permit subsequent franchisee listings associated with that user/franchise under a free package.

    I’ve added the franchise manager plug in and created a recurring payment package for the primary listing. I’ve created a test user and purchased a listing as the Franchise owner.

    So far, so good…

    Now I want to create a listing which I want to be free of charge, from a franchisee associated with the owner. The documentation says:
    “Adding the branch listings
    Display the Add Franchise link on your details page with the GD Author Actions element. Please it in your sidebar.”

    1. I don’t understand how to do this. Can you provide very simple step by step instructions please?

    2. Do I need to create a “free listing for franchisee” package? If so, how do I ensure that it is only selectable when adding a franchisee listing?

    3. Is there a way to alter the word “franchise” to “subscription” across the site?

    Many thanks.


    Alex Rollin
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    [email protected]
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