Adding more info to Geo Directory Claim Listing Popup

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    Tim Norton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 9

    I wanted to add a link to a page that gave more details on the membership options they were choosing from and details of what will happen after they claim their listing.
    This is how I did it.

    Edit geodir_claim_functions.php in /wp-content/plugins/geodir_claim_listing

    Around line 1295, before

    <div id="gd_claim_pkgs" class="row clearfix gd-claim-pkgs gd-chosen-outer">
                    <label><?php _e( 'Select Package', 'geodirclaim' );?> : <span>*</span></label>
                    <select name="geodir_claim_pkg" id="geodir_claim_pkg" field_type="select" class="is_required chosen_select">
                    <?php foreach ( $package_list as $package ) { ?>
                    <option value="<?php echo $package->pid; ?>"><?php echo stripslashes_deep( $package->title_desc ); ?></option>
                    <?php } ?>

    add the following link

                    <h4>Available Packages</h4>
                    <a href="" class="fancybox iframe" target="_blank"  rel="attachment wp-att-362">
                    <p>Click for more details and how your claim is processed</p>
                    <img src="" alt="Prices image" width="200" height="auto" class=" aligncenter size-medium wp-image-362" /></a>

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