Hey all,
It is possible to do that if you are only using Directory Starter.
Customizer > Header > Header Top > enable header top.
This section adds that top section and a menu for adding social icons.
You create menu like regular menus, however for the text you need to enter the font awesome icon html for the link text.
For example for facebook, you need to use the text like
<i class="fa fa-facebook-official"></i>
In supreme, we redesigned the pages. So that header top section is removed since its ruining the layout.
If you can able to customize the styles by yourself for header top in supreme, then you can get that setting back in customizer by placing this text in code snippet. https://wordpress.org/plugins/code-snippets/
remove_action( 'customize_register', 'sd_dt_remove_header_top_from_customizer', 20);
remove_filter('theme_mod_dt_enable_header_top', 'sd_dt_enable_header_top_return_zero');