Additional Address Fields Disapeared

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #52374

    Post count: 16


    I was playing around with the place settings and now the City, Region, and Country fields will not show. It’s the same issue experienced here
    Which said it was fixed by re-saving, but like that person, I’ve saved it many times and nothing makes them reappear. Could you please help? I’ll include login details below.



    Post count: 16
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    Post count: 29970

    I cannot figure this one out. Can you swap to a normal theme and see if that fixes it? And then swap back to the Sky theme. I’ll alert the others to your post as well.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    you have 2 outdated add-ons. Please update MultiLocations and Claim Listings.

    Make sure to go to GeoDirectory >> AutoUpdates and add your username for this forum and the Licence Key that you find here:

    You need to re-sync your themetailors account to make sure the claim listing is counted too. (every new purchase you make must be re-synced)

    Once you update the problem should go away. You should never use the latest core plugin with old add-ons.

    Other than that, you restricted the directory to Canada, but had the default location in the the USA.

    Let us know,



    Post count: 16

    Thanks Paolo. That must be it. They are outdated.

    I’ve entered my username and password on the GeoDirectory > AutoUpdates page.

    There is no where to enter the license key. Where would I do that?

    I looked up how to re-sync the accounts, but on my GeoDirectory profile page there’s no sync link. Is there documentation somewhere on how to sync?




    Post count: 16

    I was able to update the plugins after trying to resave the username and password.
    Still no license added, or account synced but everything seems to be updating correctly and the city / region / country fields have returned.

    Thanks a lot for your help.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    You are welcome!


    Post count: 16

    I went to add some listings to the site after updating the plugins and the fields returning, but now none of the listings show on any maps. It’s as if it can’t find their locations since it doesn’t show on the maps on the listing pages themselves either.
    Here’s an example:

    Login details are in the hidden post above.

    Any idea what’s going on? After updating the city/region/country fields did return to the add listing page however the map on the listing page showing the location never did so maybe that’s part of it?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    I don’t see the map on your backend add listing form as well:

    Please make sure to update the plugin Sky functionalities and see if that solves the problem.

    Please let us know,



    Post count: 16

    Thanks for checking Paulo. Unfortunately nothing changed after updating the sky functionalities plugin.

    The issue happened when I was changing settings at
    geodirectory > place settings > Field:Address

    Granted there were some outdated plugins at fault for part of the issues, but is there any chance it’s just a setting that I need to change?

    You mentioned I need to “re-sync your themetailors account”. Everything updated without that but I wasn’t able to find anything within my profile which would allow me to sync anything so maybe that’s the issue? I’d be happy to sync things if you don’t mind letting me know how.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    I’d go with what Guust suggested too:

    I cannot figure this one out. Can you swap to a normal theme and see if that fixes it? And then swap back to the Sky theme. I’ll alert the others to your post as well.

    Let us know,


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