Addres not upload in Social Import Addon

This topic contains 20 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 9 years, 3 months ago.

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    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    I dont understand…
    In the sample file “event_listing” (I add it), the information of the three events is in the same column, separate with comma.
    The information of “CSV Zavino Pizzeria” is in the cell “A2”
    The information of “Test Gallery Pizzeria 2” is in the cell “A3”
    The information of “Test Hottel Pizzeria 2” is in the cell “A4”
    I can upload the 3 events of “event_listing” file.
    I only have deleted cell “A3” and cell “A4”, and let the cell “A2” without do any changes…
    But the new csv (“event_listing one”) give me error.
    Why? I dont have had any changes… I only have deleted two cells…

    You told me:
    “make sure it is only comma delimited , and separate the information in the correct columns”

    So I have created the following file:
    “event_listing one bis”. I add it in this post.
    I have introduced the each information in differents columns.
    But when I upload it I receive the same error…

    I understand nothing…
    Can you give me more details?
    Can you send the file with only “CSV Zavino Pizzeria” EVENT, just like Geodirectory want?

    Please, help me… I dont know how do that…


    Post count: 29970

    What program are you using to download and open the CSV files?

    I can’t send a correct CSV until later today, but I will if you have not sorted it yet by then.
    You can also download a sample file from the import/export page. If that opens with all content in the same cell, you must be using the wrong program or opening the file incorrectly.


    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    The error was this…
    I used Microsoft Excel…
    But now I am using Open Office. And when I do changes in the file I receive the same message before save the file:
    “this document can contein format or dates that are imposible save in csv. Do you want continue saving the file?”.
    So I understand that I am doing same thing no correct…
    I dont understand what…
    But I understand that the problem is of me…
    Thank for your support


    Post count: 29970

    Just continue to save as a CSV file when that message pops up.
    Do not use the CSV file you had earlier and had opened in Excel.
    Start afresh by adding one event in the backend, then download the CSV file. That will give you the correct format.


    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    I have opened the file with Open Office, and I have selected the option “separate comma”.
    Now all run well.
    Thanks very very very much for your support.


    Post count: 29970

    You’re welcome 🙂

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