I want to be able to search for a museum near a town I live in so I select the CPT from the drop down field, then select the Category, I miss out the ‘Search for’ field as I don’t know the name of the museum and finally type in the town in the ‘Near’ field. I also set the Search by Distance to 10 miles in Advance Search. When I click on the Search button I get an error message (screenshot 1). I know there’s a museum near that town but it won’t show up. I’ve tried this with NEAR AUTOCOMPLETER SETTINGS in GD>ADVANCED SEARCH enabled and disabled but still have the same issue. When disabled I get a slightly different euro message (screenshot 2). However when I click on the Compass and enable NEAR ME the museum appears (screenshot 3)
I want my users to be able to look for a museum, restaurant, bar etc before they go to a town rather than have to look for a museum, restaurant, bar etc when they’re actually in the town.
I’ve attached my settings for the SEARCH AUTOCOMPLETER SETTINGS (screenshot 4)
Thanks in advance.