Hi, I have a few questions please,
The advanced search filters add on:
1. When the little search cog is clicked, the feature menu drops down and pushes the rest of the page down as it expands. This worked fine until I added ‘search by distance’ to the Search Settings. Then all of a sudden instead of pushing the rest of the page down when the list opens, the list goes static all the way to the top and bottom of the screen covering everything (only way to get it to close again is to refresh the page).
2. Is it possible to make CSS changes to the drop down list (change colour, background, remove lines etc). What CSS code could I use to do this please?
3. Also is is possible to make CSS changes to the search buttons to make them flat and change the radius of the corners?
I have searched the documentation and support forums but there doesn’t seem to be anything clear for doing the above.
Thanks very much for your help.