@alex sorry but i don’t understand what that would mean practically speaking.
@Dirk I’m not good with that concept of country – region – city, this is because what i would need is instead: country – region – GroupOfTown – city.
A multi-select for the city would be the “horrible” way to make it, because for example selecting 10 cities could be the same as select 1 GroupOfTown (which is obviously more user friendly).
The number of “GroupOfTown” is 110 based on what Wikipedia says of my country, the number of city instead is absurd, no way i could fit it all in a standard multi-select, it would take ages to load. Would require at least AJAX search.
What i was going to do if i cannot make it with GD directly is to hook into GD new gd_place listing form, add a custom select that reads from a custom DB table (GroupOfTowns), so that the user can first of all select one while inserting the new place, and then just search over this custom field in Advanced search giving again a select to the user to search for GroupOfTown