Advanced search not working properly

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    Jeff Morse
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40

    Listings search.
    Plz help. The Search buckets. They don’t produce the correct results as one would expect.–>
    I have entered some tests, and I get No Records Found as the Result.

    Please clarify which Search field on the Listing page is considered the Advanced Search.

    — If I am understanding the search is supposed to be looking at 5 key locations of a listing.

    –when I add additional multi-choice check boxes in settings for that CPT, isn’t the search supposed to also look at that info for its result?
    –Can someone look at my site and test and tell me what I am missing?

    E.g. go to Specialized dives, select Big Animal Expeditions…. Search for Leopard Seals… The answer should be ‘Big Animal Expeditions’- but it gives a result of No Records Found. This happens a lot. –attachments show THIS SHOULD BE THE RESULT BUT ITS NOT>>> What am I missing

    Also just added new advertiser to Gear & Gadgets.. Saga Technology, specializes in Underwater Photographic equipment in Barcelona Spain.. I can’t get it to come up as a result of a search no matter how I try.
    But the page is in pages,its not a draft, I published it. It links thru from the bcc email. I just can’t get it to result on Listings page. I cannot get it to come up as a result.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    for this example:

    E.g. go to Specialized dives, select Big Animal Expeditions…. Search for Leopard Seals… The answer should be ‘Big Animal Expeditions’- but it gives a result of No Records Found. This happens a lot. –attachments show THIS SHOULD BE THE RESULT BUT ITS NOT>>> What am I missing

    Either you change the tag name to Leopard Seals and that listing will come up if searched with keyword “Leopard Seals” or “Leopard Seal”, while having it now as “Leopard Seal” it won’t come up if you search for “Leopard Seals”.

    Search for criteria: GD will check the entry titles, description and taxonomies (tags and categories) of the listings.

    You have Leopard Seals only as custom field and custom fields are not searched by the search for field. You have to click the gear button and select the options within the animal encounter custom fields to search including that filter (see image attached).

    For the second problem, if i search for “Saga” in Gear & Gadget that listings comes back as the only result.

    Once you select a location, deleting it is not enough to unselect it. You will notice that also in the menu the same location is set. You need to change it to everywhere or provide a link to the /location/ page to unselect it.


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