I’ve been corresponding with the developers of the WP Affiliate Add-On that you offer here in your membership. Specifically, I was asking them whether their affiliate plugin would allow us to track and pay out referral commissions on our sites Place Listing Subscriptions. They informed us that currently it only tracks the initial referral and not the ongoing paid monthly subscriptions.
We then asked them if they plan on extending their plugin for GeoDirectory since referrals are an important part of our business and here is what they replied back with….
“There are no plans to add GeoDirectory support to Recurring Referrals at this time. You could ask the team at GeoDirectory if they are thinking about adding this feature to their integration plugin for AffiliateWP.”
Can someone please tell us if this is in the works to be included? I’m certain that there are many others who would benefit from this additional feature / capability and would make your product even more appealing.
Thank you,