Analytics and dashboard

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #57001

    Expired Member
    Post count: 4

    Hi, First I would like to say what a well thought through plugin this is. Well done guys!

    I have had no problems at all but just three questions.

    1. I have restricted access to the dashboard for users and the menu bar doesnt show at the top, good. I just would like to know as I have access through wp-admin/ if a user wanted they too could get access that way! Is that correct? I am fine with that as I have back end restrictions anyway but just to know.

    2. I have set up analytics and been verified. I couldnt find the script code to include in the API on the google API page so went to analytics page created a new account and grabbed that script code. It all shows on the listings page ok.
    Is that where I am meant to get the script code to include?

    3. I notice that active users it says zero even though I am on the page. Is this an indication that the script code I am using is not working?

    Thanks again


    Post count: 29970

    1. Have a look at GD > General > Allow user to see wp-admin area

    2. Should be correct if it is working. You see the graph in the sidebar of the detail pages?

    3. It will say zero for starters, but then it should change to 1, try refreshing the page.

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