Any gd_places listing – not saved after any user edit

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 7 years, 3 months ago.

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    Stephen Bromham
    Post count: 23

    After a logged in WordPress user edits their own assigned GD listing and clicks on the ‘Review Your Listing’ button (includes them clicking the required T&C’s checkbox) the /listing-preview/ page loads but ‘Update Now’ does not save any end-user changes to their listing, it just loads the home page.

    Also – when clicking on ‘Go Back and Edit’ from the /listing-preview/ page (?pid=4578&backandedit=1&listing_type=gd_place) it does not show the full listing that was there previously – just a cut-down version showing only four form fields – all empty, blank form data.

    Note: Making any changes in the custom posts for GD Places as a back-end WordPress administrator works OK.

    Can you please advise on a cause/fix for this? Thanks.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    Generally speaking, only the Owner or Admin can edit listings. Is that the use case here?

    Please provide a tester user with assigned listings, as well as an admin user so we can take a look at the issue.

    For the purposes of support, we cannot supply IP addresses.

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