Archive listings truncated

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Mitch Canton 4 years, 10 months ago.

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    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    I am at a loss as to why one of my category archives truncates the number of listings shown and does not provide for a pagination option.

    I am only having this issue with one category that has more than 120 listings.

    The archive page is built using an Elementor Pro template.

    It has a GD > Listings widget at the top of the page (which I use for Featureds), and then the GD > Loop section (which is the one giving me an issue.)

    I use the Archive Control plugin to set the display quantity (bypassing the WP > Reading setting – which is set at 24), which works fine on the other categories (most of them have more than 24 and display as expected).

    What am I missing?



    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    I figured out the archives setting in Archive Control works here based on the Place Taxonomy (Category) setting, not the Place Post Type setting. So I have managed to adjust the setting to a higher number to show more than ‘x’ listings.

    But if I set that number to anything below ‘show all’ and the archive has more than whatever I set it to, there is still no pagination option, even though I have it set to paginate in the Archive plugin.

    If I deactivate Archive Control, the standard (WP) number of listings show (only 24), but there is still no pagination option.

    How do I get the GD > Loop on an Archive page to display pagination options?



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    We don’t have an integration with that plugin.

    To control the count on the archive pages we rely on the settings in

    WP Settings -> Reading -> Post per page

    Pagination for loop is set based on that number.


    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hey Alex,

    Right, I understand how the default setting applies. But what I’m saying is that plugin DOES work with WPGD and changes the post per page number across CPTs and taxonomies. I figured that part out.

    But no pagination option displays at all.

    Even if I deactivate the Archive Control plugin, while the Default WP setting for Post per page (in my case 24) DOES display as that number, there is *still* no pagination at the bottom of the GD Loop (so even in a category with 200 listings, only 24 display with no next/page2 option).

    How do I get pagination to display there?



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    GD Loop Paging. You can add it before and after GD Loop. If it isn’t showing and If we need to check the settings please share credentials in a private reply AND a link to the WP Backend edit page for the template so we know where to look.

    WordPress Credentials
    WP Admin Login URL:
    WP Admin Username:
    WP Admin Password:


    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Had not needed that before, so didn’t understand the usage. Added and works as expected.

    Just FWIW, for others who might want the functionality, the Archive Control plugin does work great to tweak the number of listings displayed per page (for those who want more listings per page than the default WP posts per page).

    Thanks again.

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