Attach users to Places

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 11 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 24

    I’m looking for a straight-forward method of associating multiple Users to multiple Places (n:n), so that communities can be better mapped out.

    * Alice is member of local Library & Biz
    * Bob of Library & Community Centre
    * Charlie of Biz & community Centre

    When viewing a Place, I’d like to see who the members or staff are.

    (I’ve submitted this as a feature request)


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Jakes,

    you can do that with the claim listing addon.

    After activation user will be able to tell if they are the listing owner while adding a new listing. For existing listings they have to go through the claim listing process. You can also do that from the backend edit listing form on the right sidebar set yes where it says: Is Claimed.

    Also make sure that in GD >> listing claims :

    Show link to author page on listings? is set to YES.


    see right sidebar below Owner Verified Listing.



    Free User
    Post count: 24

    Thanks for the info, Paulo.
    Unfortunately that only creates a 1:1 relationship, and does not show which of the multiple Users (or groups) can be associated with multiple Places (or Events)
    ref; Alice, Bob & Charlie as members of 3 Places, with overlap


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Jakes,

    as I explained in another topic of yours, WordPress allows only 1 user (author) to be associated with 1 post.

    GeoDirectory does not change that.

    I’ve found this plugin that (apparently) extend this option for WordPress (never tested it).

    Unless you allow users in the WordPress backend however, it would have to be integrated with GeoDirectory to work from the front end too.

    Presently I think it can only work in the backend. (WordPress normally doesn’t provide Front End submission forms.)

    Thank you

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