Auto-fill email address

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  oldmankit 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #189832

    Post count: 116

    Business owners need to be logged-in before creating a listing. It would be prefect if when they come to create a listing, if the email address field was automatically populated from the one they used to register on the site.

    (On my site, when users create an account they need to verify their email address. By the time they have started creating a listing, this email address is definitely working. It seems a shame not to put this into the email address field automatically.)


    Post count: 29970

    Often users do use a different email address to register than the address where they want enquiries sent. Or they might use a third party to create their listing.

    But let’s ask the others if this is easy enough or a customization to be added as a feature request.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    this wouldn’t be easy at all and it’s never been requested, so i don’t think many people would even use it.



    Post count: 116

    OK, I understand. I thought it would be useful, but if it’s hard to implement, then it’s probably not worth it.

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