avada url 404
This topic contains 17 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Simone 10 years ago.
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Open Support TicketTagged: avada url 404
February 28, 2015 at 5:52 pm #32394
I wanted to change the home page, and when I did it , gave me 500 and so I did a restore in my webhost
now, I deliver the .htacces file, I have new page 500… and if I take it off my website appears but link url, nothing more.
Can you watch………..i need help
(i did a first topic in support , but i think it is a bug)February 28, 2015 at 6:03 pm #32396Hi Selen,
1st of all avoid double posting. We guarantee answers within 24 hrs on week days and 48 hours within weekend. We are normally much faster than that and as you can see we are replying on a saturday within approx 3 hours.
Please read our support policy if you haven’t yet. https://wpgeodirectory.com/support-policy/
I’ll close you other topic.
As far as the probem goes. Either you do an effort to explain the problem in an understandable way, or we will be unable to help.
I would rather have you write in french and translate myself with google translator to try to understand. But you have to try to explain your self better and with many more details, because your present message means almost nothing to me.
I wanted to change the home page, and when I did it
What was your home page befor and where did you change it from? Which settings page?
gave me 500 and so I did a restore in my webhost
Gave me 500? By 500 you mean internal server error?
now, I deliver the .htacces file, I have new page 500… and if I take it off my website appears but link url, nothing more.
No clue what you mean by this.
Can you watch………..i need help
Where? Link, wp admin and ftp credentials please?
i did a first topic in support , but i think it is a bug
Please never do that again, 1 topic is more than enough.
Thank you for helping us understand.
February 28, 2015 at 7:37 pm #32405This reply has been marked as private.March 2, 2015 at 2:14 pm #32534hi
j’ai trouvé d’autres elements pour essayer de comprendre
Toutes les adresses URL conduisent vers une page 404 sauf la page d’accueil
L’url vers la page d’accueil conduit à la page d’accueil.
March 2, 2015 at 10:27 pm #32645Hello Selen, let me start from the beginning: your site is a mess 🙁
– All the permissions were wrong, I’ve set the folder to 755 and the files to 644
– the .htaccess was wrong, permissions and it had a redirection ruleRedirect 301 /location/ /Lieux Equestres/
– this error was due to a (very) wrong configuration of the Geodirectory permalinks, you cannot have spaces in the permalink.
We’d like to suggest you to find someone with some knowledge with (at least) the basic stuffs, because in this way you’ll take a step forward and three steps backward
March 2, 2015 at 11:18 pm #32650Simone
I am not agree with your speech “mess”
it is very very negative….you say: i am the pb but is that geodirectory calls into question for users
All was good before,there is problem for each update geodirectory and I cannot find somebody.
If you find “geodirectory”
is not suitable for my project….ok I will find a more simple plugin.
Je viens de payer pour 4 mois de support geodirectory.
Et pour changer de plugin je vais devoir faire une redirection de mes url…..ça va prendre du temps… en attendant le site doit etre maintenu.un statuco n’est pas possible à l’heure actuelle.
Si vous pensez que votre équipe et geodirectory ne pouvez pas m’aider ok , Pouvez vous faire en sorte pendant les 4 mois d’assurer le maintien le temps du changement ?
Pour moi aussi c’est pénible de demander à votre équipe à chaque fois
Je viens juste d’avoir votre message Simone
Je venais à l’instant de faire une réinitialisation à 7 jours…… alors je ne sais pas … je pense que vos modifications sont supprimées.Je sais que les liens internes sont ok , mais pas les liens de moteurs de recherche.
March 2, 2015 at 11:31 pm #32652Selen, I did not mean to offend, I’m sorry about this, my message was not accusing and I apologize.
And I did not said that Geodirectory is not good for your project, I’m just saying that your learning curve for what you’re doing could be “slow” and maybe with someone who knows something more than you (about WordPress for example) could be helpful for you. I’m talking about your latest issue with the permalink, permalinks cannot have spaces, and will result in a broken website.I’m not accusing you, I don’t know anything about horses, for example 🙂
Ps- the events page is working fine, see attachment. Try to delete your cache in your browser.
March 3, 2015 at 12:47 am #32661Well
the principle of wordpress is CMS (content management).
Wordpress is not the problem
Les plugins pour wordpress sont faciles à configurer dans l’ensemble.
Geodirectory est intéressant mais difficiles à configurer.Il n’est précisé nulle part qu’il faut un niveau supérieur pour le configurer.
Pourquoi ?
Je veux bien croire que ma courbe d’apprentissage va être lente.
Vous allez vendre à très peu de gens alors ou très qualifiés… et les gens qualifiés ne s’embetent pas avec les Cms.
mais c’est le droit de géodirectory.
Qu’est t-il possible de faire alors pour les quatres mois restant?
Ensuite , vous dites une chose et puis non “vous ne vouliez pas dire ça”…… j’appelle ça essayer de jouer avec les émotions.(ça c’est une atteinte à la personne)
Et ça , je ne suis pas d’accord et peu importe les niveaux ou domaine de connaissance de chacun…..
J’ai demandé il ya quelque temps si ça allait etre toujours aussi difficile et des problemes à chaque mise à jour….pas de réponse….ou “ne vous inquiètez pas on le fait pour vous”.
Aujourd’hui discours complètement différent de la part de geodirectory.
Alors si Geodirectory et son support n’est pas adapté à WordPress(utilisateur moyen) , ok …. mais alors pouvez-vous assurer le support dans les conditions actuelles pendant les derniers mois et je vais voir à organiser mon site de manière differentes de mon coté.
Pouvez-vous prendre le temps d’en discuter avec la direction ou responsable ?
March 3, 2015 at 10:46 am #32677Selen I think we have come to a misunderstanding due to the language (english isn’t my first language and my french is really poor). What I’m trying to say is that WE are here to help, and we will always be happy to help. When someone write something, it’s up to who’s reading the text, to assign a tone to the words, and I can assure you I wasn’t attacking you or accusing you, believe me.
What I wanted to say is that there was some silly errors on the permalinks on your website but I fixed it and I explained what I did so next time you know what do to and not to do. When I say about the slow learning curve I meant that because, taking the example of the permalinks, it may slow down the development of the website but it doesn’t mean that we will not help you out, we are here to help people.
Wordpress is a CMS but try to set a WordPress Permalinks with spaces, it won’t work (or not allows you to do that). So it’s same with GeoDirectory.
Please don’t be angry at me we are friends 🙂
And we will help you out when needed, don’t worry.March 3, 2015 at 11:11 am #32680Hi
Pour le probleme de configuration URL
J’ai cherché la documentation pour :http://docs.wpgeodirectory.com/core-permalinks/ (et rien)
“- All the permissions were wrong, I’ve set the folder to 755 and the files to 644” Y a t-il une documentation spécifique ? s’agit-il de la gestion des habilitations(serveurs d’authentification) ?
J’ai vidé le cache(appcache clear) L’accés au site en passant par les url par le biais des navigateurs (firefox, google , IE) est toujours défaillant ?
Pouvez vous me donner des informations de règlages ?
SelenMarch 3, 2015 at 12:15 pm #32689For the permission, check the WordPress page at this url
in short, here it says:
All directories should be 755 or 750.
All files should be 644 or 640. Exception: wp-config.php should be 440 or 400 to prevent other users on the server from reading it.
No directories should ever be given 777, even upload directories. Since the php process is running as the owner of the files, it gets the owners permissions and can write to even a 755 directory.
March 3, 2015 at 12:36 pm #32691Simone, pouvons nous, chacun de notre coté ne mettre que des informations techniques.
Ce probleme de malentendu du aux differences de langage existera toujours.je sais que les erreurs informatiques : vous savez , et que vos connaissances techniques en informatique sont bonnes.
Paolo m’a demander d’écrire en français et qu’il traduirai lui-même , si pour vous c’est un problème dites le j’envoie en anglais ou italien (vous êtes Sicilien ou italien ?)
le pb énoncé : renommer votre fichier .htaccess se trouvant sur le www en htaccess.txt
Je dois corriger les droits 660 de votre fichier wp-config.php en 755 ou 644 bien avant de vider le cache de votre navigateur.Actuellement je n’ai pas de document pour faire ce changement , je sais uniquement que c’est dans le dossier wp.config.
Simone, può ciascuno di noi fare la nostra parte per portare le informazioni tecniche.
Questo problema di incomprensione delle differenze di lingua esiste sempre.So che gli errori del computer, si sa, e le vostre competenze tecniche informatiche sono buoni.
Paolo mi chiede di scrivere in francese e tradurlo se stesso, anche se per voi è un problema chiamato l’ho mandato in inglese o in italiano (siciliano o italiano?)
la dichiarazione pb: rinominare il file .htaccess sul www htaccess.txt
Devo correggere i vostri diritti 660 file wp-config.php 755 o 644 prima di svuotare la cache del browser.Al momento non ho un documento a questo cambiamento, so solo che è nella cartella wp.config.
March 3, 2015 at 1:49 pm #32699ok
J’ai compris pour les permissions 660…
Pour corriger les redirections 301
j’ai corriger comme ça :
# BEGIN GeoDirectory Rules
Redirect 301 /location/Lieux-equestres/
# END GeoDirectory Rules
comme dans <geodirectory<liens permanents<
mais les liens navigateurs conduisent toujours vers une page 404March 3, 2015 at 2:21 pm #32705your menu points to a 404 page because you added a wrong url in the menu.
It points to
but the correct link is
http://www.cheval-event.be/lieux-equestres/you need to edit the menu entry for the URL field, going in Apparence / Menus
see attach.
March 3, 2015 at 5:57 pm #32762Ok i did it
thanks ..
J’ai voulu améliorer le référencement
dans les URL à la place de“EVENT” j’ai mis “evenement-equestre”
alors j’ai dû oublier de faire un changement quelquepart
Ou pensez vous que je doive changer ?
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