Best of Widget

This topic contains 19 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  JD 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #192521

    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    Hi, I’ve been configuring my site with WPGEO and as of yesterday I noticed the “best of” widget has added an extra element, what appears to be a drop down box/search field above the tabs, but you can only search categories, and not specific posts within categories, which are already presented in the tabs. It wasn’t there before I did the update (1.6.2), but now it’s there, and I don’t seem to see any options to remove it, and would really like to do so as it doesn’t serve any useful functionality. Unfortunately I can’t find any docs on widgets, I hope someone can help!


    Post count: 29970

    Can you share URL and WP admin details in a private reply.
    I cannot replicate that in my test site, so we’d like to have a look at your settings. Thanks.


    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    I figured out what it was, but still need some help fixing if possible.
    There seems to be an issue with the following theme and plugins:
    Theme: Kleo
    Plugins: WPGeoDirectory which has an add-on specific to Kleo theme and Geodirectory

    I don’t think Geodirectory and WPGeoDirectory are playing nice with each other because when I deactivate WPGeoDirectory, my Geodirectory dropdowns return to normal.


    Post count: 29970

    I don’t understand what you mean, what is the difference between geodirectory and wpgeodirectory?


    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    Hi Geodirectory is your app:, then there’s another plugin I use with WP and Kleo to find member’s locations for my member directory, called and plugins aren’t playing nice on kLEO causing a drop down issue to occur on the plugin


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    please provide a link and credentials of the webite where we can see the problem.

    You can do that in a private reply that only staff can read.

    Images cannot be inspected or used for debug purposes.



    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Sandra,

    it sems like it’s GeoMyWp causing the problem, not GeoDirectory, did you ask for support to its author?

    Let us know,



    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    Yes I have submitted a topic on their forum as well as Kleo’s forum.
    An additional question re: the Best of Widget—when I mouse over the tabs, I used to be able to click on the tab and it would just switch tabs within the widget on the same page, now the Categories are Links and when clicked takes me to a different page. Any suggestions?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    I just checked the best of widgets tabs in the page: lashboard-home

    and they work as expected. Please try to clear your browser cache and try again.

    Let us know,



    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    Thanks that worked! Is there any documentation on the widgets? Just want to understand full functionality available.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    there are only few options and they are self explanatory, if you have any doubts don’t hesitate to ask.



    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    I received the following response from WPGEO:
    Unfortunately, both GEO my WP and GEO Directory are Google Maps based plugin and so, conflicts are expected. It is not always recommended to use Multiple Google Maps plugin on a site because of the conflicts, but many times these conflicts can be taken care of.

    There were other users who reported such conflicts in the past and as much as I know the GEO Directory team helped them with the issues. Have you tried to contact the developers of GEO Directory plugin to see if they already have a solution for the issues that you are experiencing?

    I’ve noticed the plugin also affects Geodirectory dropdown menus within WordPress, for example the Permalinks settings page dropdown menus is presenting the same problem.

    Thanks again for your prompt help!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    I flagged this for Stiofan to see if there is anything else that we can do.

    He’ll let you know asap.



    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    I received this from Kleo theme support:

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