BuddyPress Login Issues

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #53512

    Post count: 8


    When a client goes to create an account – the log in link in the sentence takes you to the wordpress login… which is not what we want.

    Where can we go to correct this.

    Thank you.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    that is the Buddypress template activate.php.

    You can modify any bp template by copying it over from:




    N.B. Inside the subfolder ‘buddypress’ you must preserve the path structure/folders that exist in the BP original /buddypress/ folder, so for activate.php must be

    once this done buddypress will start using the template inside your theme and you can customize it as you wish.

    Let us know how you went.



    Post count: 8

    Thanks for the help Paolo!

    As you stated, after moving the activate.php file over correctly and preserving the path/directory structure, I can now make changes to the activation page.

    I managed to update the bit of code which redirects to the wp login to just the sign-up page.

    On line 33 of activate.php:
    <p><?php printf( __( ‘Your account was activated successfully! You can now log in with the username and password you provided when you signed up.’, ‘buddypress’ ), wp_login_url( bp_get_root_domain() )); ?></p>

    search for:
    wp_login_url( bp_get_root_domain() )

    replace with:

    I also found that leaving the bp_get_root_domain() bit and just removing the wp_login_url() function works well too if I just wanted the user to go back to the home page.

    If I’m missing something, at least it is working as I expect now.

    Thanks again!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    You are welcome! 🙂

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