Business Hours Plugin

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  joecam 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #410977

    Post count: 63


    I bought the Business Hours plugin about a month ago only from you, and now i trying to set it up. It looks OK, except any update on the opening hours will be not updated, so cannot use it.
    I tried to find some info about it on your support forum, but found that this is not supported anymore, and you will have some other solution for it in the future.
    Do you offer any support for it? Was it only wasting my money on this plugin, as I purchased a dead product one month ago….????


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Joe,

    3rd party products have 3rd party support, have u tried the authors support page?

    When we release our own addon we will try to make it auto convert the data so it should be a easy conversion.




    Post count: 63

    Hi Stiofan,

    Thank you for your reply, and yes i tried to contact the author directly, no answer yet.

    It would be nice to see your solution for this function, and of course the auto convert would be a nice feature too.

    I have understood that you not provide support for 3rd party add-ons, anyway a bit disappointed that i’ve purchased it on your site, just a month before (but over the 1 month mony-back period) and it not works as expected… hence would be nice to see your own developed solution with great support.


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