button colors

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Jeff Adams 5 years, 10 months ago.

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    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    I noticed for supreme theme there’s a way to change button colors under customize. But, it doesn’t change all the button colors (see attached image). Is there somewhere else to change these or do I need to use CSS?

    I also noticed changing font elements doesn’t really change the body. It would be so cool if the supreme theme had some generic customization features. But, CSS is easy enough to implement I suppose.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Looks like a bug, I will alert the developers.


    Post count: 7069

    Hello Jeff,

    I noticed for supreme theme there’s a way to change button colors under customize. But, it doesn’t change all the button colors (see attached image). Is there somewhere else to change these or do I need to use CSS?

    “Write a Review” is rendered via badge and it has own text color & background color. It is added via child theme so it can be modified directly in file. It is in file \wp-content\themes\supreme-directory\template-parts\header\header-single-top.php around line no. 116.
    Here is code:

    $review_button_text = __("Write a Review","supreme-directory");
    $review_button_shortcode = '[gd_post_badge size="large" key="post_title" condition="is_not_empty"  link="#reviews" badge="'.$review_button_text .'" new_window="0" bg_color="#ed6d61" txt_color="#ffffff" alignment="center"]';
    $review_button = apply_filters( 'sd_details_output_review_button_shortcode',$review_button_shortcode);
    $review_button = do_shortcode($review_button);
    echo apply_filters( 'sd_details_output_review_button', $review_button );

    It is also possible to filter “Write a Review” button via hook.

    I also noticed changing font elements doesn’t really change the body. It would be so cool if the supreme theme had some generic customization features. But, CSS is easy enough to implement I suppose.

    Please clarify with more details or with example or with screenshot.



    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Ok, thanks. That worked for the button. It would be sweet if it was customized the same as the other buttons. I just have to figure out now how to make it a different color when hovering.

    So, no updates will undo this, correct?

    As for the font, I can’t remember exactly why I said that. For now though I’ll have to figure out how to change the fonts for the read more and side bar. I’ll see what I can figure out on my own first and if I need help I’ll come back. It would be great if there was some more customization options for this theme though. It’s so close to having it all!

    Thanks again for everything!


    Post count: 7069

    This button is rendered via badge to look bigger and different from other button on page.

    So, no updates will undo this, correct?

    If updates overwrites files, then it will undo this.

    Try following css:

    /* normal */
    .gd-badge-meta-write-a-review .gd-badge {
    	background-color: #157b48 !important;
    /* hover */
    .gd-badge-meta-write-a-review .gd-badge:hover {
    	background-color: #157b48 !important;



    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    K, thanks Kiran, you rock!!!!!!

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