Categories not registering properly

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  • #477492

    Expired Member
    Post count: 102

    Like I’ve been complaining since the beginning, something is wrong with my geodirectory plugin. Categories are only randomly registered in new listings in the CPT’s that already existed prior to the v1-v2 conversion. So, clearly something went wrong.

    As I said, its random. Sometimes it works. Other times, I have to go back to each listing to re-add the category.

    I’ve been at this “conversion” for over a month now…

    Plus, social importer imports photos of really low quality. How do i fix this?

    Login details in next post..


    Expired Member
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 102

    Holy cow, and now I notice that Social Importer is importing 5-6 copies of EACH photo…


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Can you share a listing that is having the problem?
    Which CPT is causing an issue?


    Expired Member
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    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815
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    Expired Member
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    Post count: 7069


    I have done some investigations and found that one of plugin “VideoPro – Shortcodes” (videopro-shortcodes) causes trouble in saving GeoDirectory listing data.

    In file /videopro-shortcodes/videopro-shortcode.php there is one function cactus_savepost_parse_shortcode_custom_css that breaks data saved for GeoDirectory listing.

    Please contact the VideoPro – Shortcodes support team and ask them to skip GeoDirectory post types from the cactus_savepost_parse_shortcode_custom_css function.

    Best Regards,


    Expired Member
    Post count: 102

    So that’s the 3rd time you want me to contact my theme developer to tell HIM to change HIS code so that YOUR plugin works? He sells to 1000’s of people. Why should he? Its your plugin that is not compatible. I use tons of other plugins with his theme with no problems. Sort this out.

    Its the GD categories because of theme shortcodes(?).
    Its the GD backend maps that dont work because of select2.
    Its GD pagination that doesnt work because of something else…

    Solution please. I’ve lost an entire month’s work and income on this v1-v2 “conversion” and v1 did NOT have any of these issues.


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    Expired Member
    Post count: 102

    1. Categories

    I tried to find if is there is a hook to exclude GeoDirectory post types in function cactus_savepost_parse_shortcode_custom_css. I will try again to find solution by installing this plugin on my local site.

    I’ll wait for your feedback on this then. Thanks.

    2. Still no feedback on Social importer issues I reported :
    – super low quality images.
    – importing 5-6 copies of each photo.


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    Expired Member
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    Post count: 7069


    1. Please try following code snippet to prevent conflict with VideoPro.

     * Fix conflict with VideoPro - Shortcodes.
    function gd_snippet_fix_videopro_conflict() {
    	if ( ! is_admin() ) {
    	if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['post_type'] ) && geodir_is_gd_post_type( $_REQUEST['post_type'] ) ) {
    		global $ctshortcode;
    		if ( ! empty( $ctshortcode ) && is_object( $ctshortcode ) ) {
    			remove_action( 'init', array( $ctshortcode, 'init' ) );
    add_action( 'init', 'gd_snippet_fix_videopro_conflict', 9 );

    2. I have updated import function in social importer plugin. The first image may still have low quality, because it is from page logo(profile image).

    3) Except profile image, no duplicate image will be uploaded.

    Let us know.


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