Category description on hover?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  adyp 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    Post count: 496


    when adding categories for various CPTs I sometimes have put text in the Description box for a category. I note that below the box it says: The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it – I have not made use of this, but have now got a situation where I think it may be useful!

    I have a long name for one of my categories – when it is displayed in the side box of the main map (where you can tick/untick the categories to be displayed on the map) it looks too long (and on a different line than tick box). I could abbreviate the category name, but this would mean it may not be understood by all. I wonder then if it is possible – at least for this one category – to have the abbreviated name on the map panel, but have the full name or a description (whatever I put in the Description box) pop up when the cursor hovers over the category name on the map side panel? I use GDF modern as my theme but can’t see any controls to achieve this – or is this something that might have to be done with CSS? (in which case any pointers greatly received.



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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    the catregory description appear, depending the theme, as text below the catgeory title. It doesn’t apepar on hover.

    GDF uses the Categeory Top Description and it will appear below the title.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 496

    Ok thanks Paolo. I will investigate if this is possible with CSS.

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