Category links on listing details pages

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stiofan O’Connor 7 years, 11 months ago.

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    Post count: 171


    On the listing details pages the categories that the listing is associated with are displayed in the right sidebar and also under the images (I have the latter hidden on my site using css). These category links return a result that is specific to the location of the listing, however, I would like the category links to return a result of all listings for that category.

    Probably easier to explain with an example. Here’s an place on my site.

    If I click on the category “Animals and Nature” it takes me to a result for this cateogry based on the location of the place.

    However, I’d rather it was a wider result i.e.

    This gives the user more results and I think will be better for seo too.

    I would appreciate if you could advise how I can update this to work the way I need it to.



    Post count: 29970

    Hi Mark, you can achieve that by UN-ticking
    GD > permalinks > Add location in urls

    Be aware that that also will change URLs of all listings.



    Post count: 171

    Hi Guust,

    That’s no good. I want to keep the URL of the listings as they are (i.e. with the location included), and simply amend the category links sown on the sidebar so that they do not include the region/town of the listing being viewed. I know there’s not a tickbox on the Geodirectory plugin for I would’ve thought there’s a straight-forward way of overcoming this issue?


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Don’t you want users who are looking at a listing to be abel to see near by listings when the click the cat results?

    Do you have advanced search installed? It should show the locations in the search bar Near field to indicate its limited to that location.


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