Category locations

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Joy 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #407845

    Post count: 1076

    Hello, I came across this post, I’m not sure if there’s any resolution:

    When viewing the category of a listing, the results are limited to the listings within that same location. Why does it not offer a site-wide view of all listings within that category? And how can it be done so without removing the location from the URL?

    People may be willing to travel away from their location or if they are seeking a service or products, online providers and orders may be an option. But with this setup they’re limited only the radius we input in the settings. How can we expand on this?

    Thank you.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    Based on permalink settings,

    You can remove the location from the category GD > Permalinks > Add location in urls > NO

    There is also a filter for the term links that adds the location (filter) based on the location of the listing. That filter can be removed, and you can customize that to meet your need:

    remove_filter('term_link', 'geodir_get_term_link', 10);

    Post count: 1076

    Like the referenced post, I wish to keep the locations in the URL. Maybe @stiofan can follow up this possibility.

    Thank you.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    You can submit your customization request to developers at or


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Joy:

    By settings do you mean the default near me settings under Advanced search which default to 40 miles? and seems to allow between 1-200 miles for variables. I would agree that more than 200 miles may be needed especially in certain areas where population density is sparse.

    If this is what you are talking about? Would you like more than 200 miles?

    Another thought for quick custom code would be to conditionally display a link when little to no search results of that locations region and display all the results from that post type and or post type / category combo. The links Alex provided could be of assistance to help find someone to accomplish this or to modify based upon your requirements above.


    Post count: 1076

    Hi Jonathan,

    Thank you for your response. I have decided to just manually create the category links. That way I can remove the location limitations. With remote services and online sales becoming so prevalent in the marketplace nowadays, limiting one’s research on listings to a location seems well…limiting. 🙂

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