Changing custom post type package removes images

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  robertchittock 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 19

    I have set up different pricing options for my custom post type.

    There is a bug that I think is caused by changing pricing type for the listing in the WP admin where the images are removed and then I need to upload them again.

    I can create it by uploading the images, publishing, changing the pricing group, publishing and publishing again. All images disappear.

    Despite setting an image limit of 4 for each pricing group, the area where images are uploaded in the admin says: (You can upload 0 images with this package) when 3 have been uploaded only.

    Also when the images are uploaded, they do not go into the media library, so it is not possible to get small, medium, or full samples




    Full Member
    Post count: 1128

    Let me have a look please


    Free User
    Post count: 19

    Hi Vikas

    Please can you supply a contact email and I can send over the details to login?

    Or did you mean you will look on your version?




    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Robert,

    Vikas is testing on a test server of ours. If you wish to send your credentials, you can do that here, by flagging the reply as private. It will appear in light blue and only moderators will be able to see its content.

    Thank you


    Free User
    Post count: 19

    Hi All

    Did you manage to replicate it on your server please?




    Free User
    Post count: 19

    Hi Guys

    I have found if I change the package for a custom post type, or change the field settings for one of the packages then this triggers all images to be removed from the system for that post type. I then get images with red crosses in the admin, and alt text displaying on the page.




    Full Member
    Post count: 1128

    Sorry i can not generate this issue on my server.


    Free User
    Post count: 19

    Hi Vikas

    I have had more trouble with this issue and I have noted down my steps. This is on a clean install of WP and the latest GEO Theme and plugins.

    From the admin, create a new custom post type called companies.

    Add a new company and set the image to one from the computer, mine is called “16_advertise_banner.jpg”.

    Publish the post

    Notice that images are saved in wp-uploads (and thumbnails generated OK)

    Also notice that geodir_attachments has a new entry for the image, and also geodir_gd_company_detail has a new entry for featured thumbnail. Everything works ok.

    Now go to the admin and edit this post again but don’t change the images, set the location and publish for example.

    Notice that geodir_gd_company_detail and geodir_attachments now has changed the path of the image to “///16_advertise_banner.jpg” from “/16_advertise_banner.jpg”

    Also in wp-uploads, the “16_advertise_banner.jpg” image has been deleted but the thumbnails remain.

    I would assume that by updating the post that images that have already been uploaded are not removed when saving the post. We have the website live with paying customers and this is a huge issue as companies are losing their images when they update their profile, from front end and also for us from back end.

    Please can you advise how to fix asap?




    Free User
    Post count: 19

    Hi Guys

    Is there anyone able to look into this please?



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