Changing percentage width does nothing

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Kor 6 years, 3 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    I’ve tried all different variations of numbers in the listings section of design in the geodirectory backend and NOTHING changes. Not a bit. I even took all the numbers out and nothing. What am I doing wrong?


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Tina,

    Thanks for your post. Could you tell us a little bit more about what you’re trying to achieve there? Perhaps you can provide us some screenshots or a link to the URL of the page in question? You can always use the private reply option below if you wish to keep our conversation in private.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    There’s not actually anything to see…nothing changes. I just am playing around, trying to see how things work. Still brand new, learning how to tweak things. I know that I am supposed to be able to adjust these things:
    Width of listing right section
    Width of listing content section
    Width of listing left section
    Width of home right section
    Width of home content section
    Width of home left section

    I also see the same fields in author and search…I assume if I fiddle with those I will get the same lack of results.

    Any numbers I put into any of these fields…and I’ve played with this quite a LOT. Does nothing. Nothing changes, even a little. Nothing happens.

    I am using the Supreme Directory theme, so I don’t think it’s a theme compatibility issue.

    I’m not actually trying to DO anything at this point…just wanted to see what I can change and see what it would look like. Just playing. Also wanted to see exactly what was considered “content” section by making changes. But since nothing is changing, I am still unsure.

    Just would like to know why I am unable to actually tweak anything using these fields. If I have something set wrong or if there’s a glitch or what?


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Tina,

    Thanks for your reply. These settings can be adjusted here in GD > Design > Home/Listings/Search as explained here . I hope this helps.



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Reading the info on that page Kor posted…it looks like this is only in relation to WIDGETS that are posted in those areas? So if I don’t have any widgets there, then that may be why I’m not seeing any changes? Am I reading that correctly?

    Like I said, still figuring all this out. I’ve been putting a text widget in every widget area to get a feel for where everything is…I’m going to poke around some more and see if there’s still no changes. It has baffled me so far, but it is entirely possible I’m just doing it wrong since I am still learning how it all works.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Ok, I think I got it. I only had widgets in the content section. I put some in the sidebars of the homepage and played around some more with the numbers and now things are moving around. YAY! It works!

    Thank you!


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Tina,

    Thanks for your reply and I’m glad to know that you sorted it out yourself. Let us know if you need anything further.


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