Changing the form fields – Language-en_US.po

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    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    I’ve changed the form fields once already but they changed back to the default settings on its own some how. I’m trying to change them again and now it does nothing. Please help

    I was in the Plugins>Geodirectory>Geodirectory-languages>Geodirectory-en_US.po file.

    I’ve got to get this site running and its one thing after another, I’ve already changed this stuff but I have a feeling one of the updates messed up the file or something. But this is where I changed it last time and now it does nothing.. There is no place to change the form fields for the basic stuff.. Like I CANT have it say “Listing Title” or “Listing Description” as nobody will sign up or they will be very confused as I’ve already corrected registrants because of this so I’m sure it makes a conversion difference.

    Please help


    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    Nevermind, I found the right file..

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