Claim issues

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Tom Purdy 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    Tom Purdy
    Full Member
    Post count: 21

    Sorry to bother, but while you have all the login & FTP info for the site, I just installed and setup the Claim system.

    I have found that I can check Claimed when entering a new place or editing My Place. But it does not show up in the Place listing Tabs. Also added it as a widget, but when on a listing and using the button to Claim, the message pops up “No post found!”.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Everything looks setup correctly.
    I removed the ‘Is Claimed’ from the Tabs UI. You might want to add a badge with a shortcode:

    I tried a few different tests on a test listing and was able to see the error there.
    test listing /wp-admin/post.php?post=1089&action=edit

    I will flag your topic for the developers to take a look

    gd 20045
    claim 2004


    Post count: 7069

    Hi Tom,

    Please try now after clearing your browser cache.



    Tom Purdy
    Full Member
    Post count: 21

    I added a claim listing button to the sidebar and the listing template page and it works perfectly thanks!

    Cannot get the badges to appear no matter if I use the shortcode from here:, use the built in “Add Shortcode inserter on the template page, or the widget module. I wasn’t planning on using it initially, but thought you might like to know and may use, that is if I can figure it out.

    Sorry, I know this is another issue and probably should be posted in a new thread, but does relate to what you said above.


    Post count: 7069

    Hello Tom,

    Which badge you tried and and where you tried to put it? Let us know so we can help you more.



    Tom Purdy
    Full Member
    Post count: 21

    I tried putting in the shortcode from here:

    [gd_post_badge key=”claimed” condition=”is_not_empty” badge='<i class=”fas fa-check-circle”></i>Verified’ bg_color=”#ff8040″ txt_color=”#ffffff” size=”small” alignment=”right” css_class=”verified”]

    [gd_post_badge key=”claimed” condition=”is_empty” badge='<i class=”far fa-question-circle”></i>Unclaimed’ bg_color=”#ff8040″ txt_color=”#ffffff” size=”small” alignment=”right” css_class=”unverified”]

    Tried each as a widget (text and html). Then tried using the Badge widget for other uses, such as website, which will not go anywhere unless a link is inserted into the url field, which would not be good if one link is on each listing page (I assumed it would link to the company’s website…maybe not?).

    Also tried using the above Badge shortcode on the GD Details template page, as well as using the “Add Shortcode” inserter on the GD Details template page to no effect. I did get use the Shortcode inserter to input [gd_claim_post text=”Claim Listing” output=”button”], which works.

    Like I said, it is not a rush or an issue, since I can use the [gd_claim_post text=”Claim Listing” output=”button”] in the GD template, but thought I would try Badges and see if they worked in the new version, but I have had no luck. Maybe I am doing something wrong?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    I added them to the archive item template and they seem to work.
    You can see them in /places/

    Let us know


    Tom Purdy
    Full Member
    Post count: 21

    Gotcha, user error then… 😉 Thank you!!!

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