Claim listing generally unchecked – though per default checked

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Birgit Wilde 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    Birgit Wilde
    Expired Member
    Post count: 236

    so far I have prepared quite a number of listings ready to be claimed by their users.
    Now I am online, users can claim their listings – which works fine.
    And users can create new listings. However every new listing seems per se to be unclaimed – even though listings created by users generally should be owned by the respective user.

    In the meantime I went very carefully through your documentation to have the correct settings. Still, unless I do not completely deactivate the claim listing field, the button “Claim listing” appears on any new listing, no matter whether free, standard or premium package.

    Here are the settings:

    Field ‘Is claimed’:
    – active
    – for admin only
    – standard value: checked.
    – only show in free packages

    Package settings within CPT:
    Free package:
    – Claim packages: all packages activated (free, standard, premium)

    All other packages:
    – Excluded field: claim listing

    What am I missing?
    Looking forward to your response


    Birgit Wilde
    Expired Member
    Post count: 236
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    The field should not be set to admin only. When users login and claim a listing they need to be able to set themselves as the business owner by checking off that field.


    Birgit Wilde
    Expired Member
    Post count: 236

    Hello Alex,
    what I mean is users who do not claim an existing listing but create their own new listing. Right now, the button “Claim listing” appears in every created listing of any possible package. Also when in the CPT field “show in packages” I do not include a single package, the button is always there.

    This should not be the case because when I as a user log in and create my own listing, the listing should not be ready to be claimed by someone else.


    Birgit Wilde
    Expired Member
    Post count: 236

    These are the settings of my the Claim-listing CPT-field (see screenshot one) and the respective settings of every price package (see screenshot2).

    With these settings user can claim the listings which I have prepared for them – everything fine.

    However, any new listing created by a user as his own listing still has the button “Claim listing”, so that the user who has just created the listing then has to claim it for himself.

    My aim is that
    1)users should be able to claim the listings I have prepared for them (works fine right now) and
    2) new listings that have been created by users do not have the button “Claim listing” because they already are owned by the user who created them.

    How can I achieve that?

    Many thanks


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    The field cannot be admin only edit if you want users to be able to add their own listing and claim it through the frontend editor. You are seeing the field because you are an admin. The way you describe #2, they will have to visit the published listing and claim it the way others claim a listing you created. That is why I said the field needs to be editable by users.


    Birgit Wilde
    Expired Member
    Post count: 236

    Okay, got it. Works fine now 🙂
    thank you!

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