Comparing page load time?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stiofan O’Connor 10 years ago.

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    Post count: 153


    I am testing the speed of my site with and I am comparing the old geotheme and the new geodirectory. I am testing the same listing ( I even have 4 more photos on the geotheme site) and the comparation is 🙁 Have a look at the stats below.To be honest I have not done any changes on the css or whatsoever .I am using the default template and I do not have any plugins other than the Geodirectory ones.

    Old Geotheme with booster
    Page load time: 4.31s
    Total page size: 1.52MB
    Total number of requests: 60

    New Geodirectory with booster and enfold theme
    Page load time: 10.19s
    Total page size: 2.83MB
    Total number of requests: 146

    New Geodirectory with booster with geotheme child theme
    Page load time: 10.97s
    Total page size: 2.48MB
    Total number of requests: 136

    Any advise?



    Free User
    Post count: 153

    I have been testing some of the showcase websites and the fastest detail page I found has been 7.27s Note that all of then download never less that 2.30mb

    Is there any way to improve this?


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi, do u have a url of a GD site u used, i can’t seem to get results this high in the real world (even with cache emptied)

    Also i will be looking at optimisation of GD in the next few weeks, the plan is to have me on full time optimisation/ documentation writing until we are happy with both.




    Free User
    Post count: 153
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    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    I can say that i will be looking at improving all aspects of load times in the very near future. But 1.25mb is not a large page size these days, most yelp pages are about 2mb.




    Free User
    Post count: 153

    Agreed. 1.2mb should be ok. The problem is that to get down to that you have to remove absolutely all the Geodirectory features and plugins. If you add them you will always go well over 2mb. And to be honest I do not have the infrastucture or resources that Yell has. So it is like having a Ferrari in the garage but having to use a ford fiesta because the Ferrari consumes too much petrol!!!
    Anyway, I am sure many improvements will come to tackle this. Until then I will keep my site to a minimum. How does cloudfare sound like? Any feedback on that?



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    You have to remember this is first time loads with cache disabled, most of the time the JS/CSS files will be cached by browser etc…

    I used to use cloudflare all the time but recently had a few problems with them and i have disabled it on all my sites, but i would still give them a try, i just have not had the time to investigate my problems with them. Just be aware not to enable “rocketloader”



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