Compatibility with Multi Site

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 4 months ago.

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    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi, I have maked a WordPress website MultiSite.
    The principal site is
    So, I want create one website for each city.
    In order to do that I have created

    I have Installed Geodirectory, and I can see the following:

    1. In the administrator dashboard of I can see the following two button:
    a) Geodirectory
    b) Places

    2. In the administrator dashboard of I can see only one button (Geodirectory), and there isn`t the button “Places”.

    Is there a solution in order to have the button “Places” also in the web of Girona (
    Thank’s for your support.


    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Hi Giuseppe,

    make sure you are activating GeoDirectory for each subsite individually. GeoDirectory doesn’t work if network activated.

    Let us know if that was the problem,



    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi Paolo,
    I understand now…
    Before to installer geodirectory plugin, I did click in “Activate to the network”…
    It was the error…
    Ok, I have understand, I only must do click in “ACTIVATE” in a single website.

    Now, my question is:
    in order to installer the other addons (events, multilocation, etc…), do I must activate them also “individually” in each website, just like GEODIRECTORY PLUGUIN?

    I hope your answer.
    Thank’s for your support


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    That is correct all GD products work on multisite only if activated on each individual website. Not network activated.

    Thank you and sorry if that wasn’t clear…

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