Compatible themes requests

This topic contains 151 replies, has 33 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 10 years, 7 months ago.

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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Hi and thanks for your reply.

    wpengine type of hosting providers aggressively cache everything. Anything non 100% wordpress standard will not work.

    On the other hand I can tell you that, thanks to how we structured the database and queries, with equal server resources, the plugin will be able to withstand a much higher number of listings without the need of aggressive caching, than it could withstand using default wordpress database structure and wpengine caching.

    As far as sessions goes, they use cookies that are less secure than sessions. They tell you that it is a security issues, but Stiofan and I agreed that they rather not get into managing sessions because they are lazy.

    At this point, who’s right and who is wrong? They say our applications are badly coded, we can say that their hosting service is good for blogs and simple corporate website, not for complex applications…

    I invite you to report and problem you are facing with GeoTheme in GeoTheme support forum and we will follow up.

    For problems you are experiencing on linode, Vikas and I asked you in another thread for credentials to have a look at the problem. If there is anything that we can do, we will…

    The plugin has been released for the 1st time only 2 weeks ago, it will take a little time to turn it into the mature product that we have in mind, but that’s were we are heading and in my opinion we are on the right track…

    Thank you


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1502

    Thanks for clarifying this, Paolo and Stiofan. I had bad experiences too with WP Engine and Zippy Kid and I’m glad I found a great hosting company. The owner himself took the extra time to configure the server so GT will work seamlessly. Unfortunately I ended up not using GT and decided just to wait for GD. I didn’t mind paying and even renewing my subscription twice since I like the product and have very high hopes and expectations that GD will be a game changer. I think it is!

    I even promote GD on my blog:

    Finally the long and painful wait is over. I am looking forward to the themes and child themes and hopefully I can officially launch at least one of my projects this month.

    I am currently testing GD on this site:


    Full Member
    Post count: 375

    +1 for X. I like that it has the flat design look and an emphasis on clean code.


    b budd
    Post count: 50

    Both avada and enfold are great themes.

    My vote would be Sarifa from theme forest- due to magazine format and multiple ads for multi purpose and of course more.

    My site will be more like this one:
    A MORE magazine and Directory than Usual directory

    Sarifa seems to work very well with geodirectory already, the main issue I am having is the index page code for slideshow is not working as a widget I assume a minor issue conflict. Sarifa supports buddypress, woo coommerce, wpml and bbpress.

    I have a couple of test sites and can set up sarifa for you to look over and play with anytime, just o see if its of interest, for as long as you require, also can give you mysql phpmyadmin control panel etc.


    b budd
    Post count: 50

    liquidia I am user, however I took exception to your arrogance.
    Managed hosting really?? Well if you looked at the existing documentation you would see its recommended NOT to use caching, it is advised to use nginx and if your ordering real managed hosting you would be able to order exactly the server system and resources you need.

    Documentation tales time, They have worked their butts off getting the software out and as a new release there are bugs coming in I notice getting fixed almost instantly. On top of that are all the user comments and requests I am sure they look at.

    If you had issue why not report as a BUG, instead of yapping?

    Everyone does not like lawyers.. that a fact, now I know why. Complaining, whining, arrogant and not helpful at all.


    Free User
    Post count: 137

    A nice magazin theme that works very good with GD is

    I use it!


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1



    Expired Member
    Post count: 3

    I’d love to get in on developing a suitable theme for GeoDirectory at some point. Today’s my first day trying it out on a small scale. This is just using Twenty Thirteen, which works better for layout than Twenty Fourteen does:

    If I get a nice theme going, I’ll come back and get feedback on it. (For those who don’t know me yet, I designed based on GeoTheme.)


    Post count: 29970

    @ dawnpedersen
    I am building my GD around 2013 as well, but I have run into one problem. When I put a widget in the Secondary Widget Area, there is a CSS conflict between the theme sidebar and GD sidebar I think: the widget ends up outside the browser window like on my test site here:
    As you can see, on a theme only page, the widget ends up on the right place:
    I spent hours trying to adjust the CSS and can get it right on either a GD page or a theme page, but never on both.

    My finished site is getting along slowly here, using a child theme of 2013:


    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    You can’t really say something is badly coded because it has bugs. As a software developer for over 20 years I can tell you that even good code has bugs. Look at the code, that will tell you if it is badly coded!

    I have looked at many directory systems and some of them ARE badly coded – to be honest I haven’t looked at the new geo-directory code, so can’t comment.

    But what I have found more important is how responsive the developers are to requests for bug fixes and improvements, and who it is that does these code changes. In that regard I have found the level of response and communication provided by the GeoDirectory team to be the best available.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 539


    Pardon my ignorance but I have never used the avada or enfold themes – can you elaborate/outline on what features within these themes can be used directly by GeoDirectory?

    Is it basically the layout?

    Or, can the mega menu, sliders, shortcodes etc etc be used by GeoDirectory?

    Do you have a GeoDirectory demo site using either of these themes?



    Full Member
    Post count: 375

    I recently purchased the Avada theme and it is pretty impressive. GD integration was one of the reasons why I went with them. I am trying to consolidate my sites under a standard theme but which gives me enough flexibility to ensure they don’t all look the same and Avada seems to do the job. Good choice to work with this theme gentlemen!


    Free User
    Post count: 19

    +1 for X


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    both Enfold, Avada, X and other themes mentioned provide a page layout builder for pages. That is more or less their main feature and what really set them apart from the rest of the themes out there.

    We are integrating GD widgets into their page layout builders so that all GD elements can be used to compose pages without editing 1 line of code.

    Other than that we are integrating our plugin templates within theirs to make sure to edit the stlyles of our plugin elements so that they can match the rest of the theme’s style.

    We just started working on it and we still have no examples.




    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    Hi all,

    Just to add a quick note, I used Geotheme with wpengine for two years, had a few problems along the way but I had to sort them and did.

    I now have GD working again with wpengine and magazine theme, like anything you will never but anything off the self that will be 100% compatible with everything, it has taken me about a week to go live – better then the 6 months I spent on another theme a couple of years ago to get no where.

    Also in the last 3 months I tried nearly all other directory options and couldn’t even build a working model based on my requirements.

    I have had my moments with the support team on geaotheme when I first started out a few years ago but to be honest GD has not been to bad at all, plus the support team are better then any other plugin or theme option.

    Most web designers should be able to work there way around compatibility issues – the flex slider above issue is due to the word hidden being used in the plugins flex sliders css – using firefox will point you right to the problem, a simple change to inherit will fix the slider.

    Its all to easy to rip into developers but I think a good job has been done so far here and credit should be given where its due.



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